How to Reduce the Pungent Smell of a Garlic


VIP Contributor
When consumed regularly, garlic can offer many health benefits such as antioxidants and lowering high blood pressure. Unfortunately, this potent little clove can also leave some pretty unpleasant side effects, such as a lingering “garlic breath” for hours or even days. This smell could come from your hands, mouth or breath. The chemical compound that creates the pungent garlic odor is called Alliin. While many believe that “a clove a day keeps the doctor away,” it can also keep your friends away with its awful breath! Luckily, there are some great ways to banish garlic breath.

The pungent smell of garlic can make your fingers, breath and kitchen reek. It's possible to reduce the pungency of garlic by boiling it before consumption.

In case you forget to wash your hands thoroughly after working with a garlic which might not even do the job, you could put the peel in the dishwasher and run for a few minutes. You don't have to use any detergent. This will help eliminate any odor from your hands or other parts of your body. Another tip is to take some lemon juice, either in its liquid form or crush it into a paste, and apply it onto your hands. If you try this trick, be sure to follow with soap and water."

When cutting garlic, run the blade of your knife through a pinch of salt to decrease the strength of the smell. This can also help to remove the smell from your hands after handling garlic.

Using a stainless steel knife or spoon can help reduce the odor of the garlic, as it naturally removes some of the sulfurous compounds (when it comes into contact with the knife or spoon). You can also keep parsley on hand in your kitchen to fight the pungent odor.

The mild acidity of citrus will neutralize the scent that garlic leaves behind, so use either lemon or lime as you're peeling and chopping your garlic cloves. The peel itself also works well. Rub your hands against the peel several times, then proceed to wash your hands as normal.
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Hania iman

I also don't like the pungent smell of garlic but there are many benefits of garlic. It help us to loose weight and also cure flue. Personally i use lemon with it because it neutralize the smell of garlic.


Verified member
Many people scared from pungent smelling of the garlic. Despite the active performance of this spices. It is antioxidant and also fight against microbial activities in the blood stream and also is an anticancer agent solution. The purgent smelling is natural and it can be controlled by reduced it pungent smelling drastically by extraction of the liquid from it and put on fry pan to reduce to the minimum temperature, in order to remove the pungent before it can be use. And also you can mix it with another plants to improve the power and reduced the pungent smell immediately. This is one of the active ingredient that use to treat cardiovascular problem.