How to regain your self confidence

Sometimes, the kind of things we do, the people we meet and engage with and the failures we've meet during our career journey would want to make or keep you discouraged. There are a lot of things banging into ones head and can cause a lot of harm to ones health or career. We tend to loose our confidence and how we perceive things within us. In this guide, I'm going to list out some clues you could take to regain or restore your self confidence.

1. Figure out what the problem is
Before going into fixing your issues you should figure out what the problem is, why are you loosing confidence in yourself?, are you loosing focus or is anybody discouraging you?. This is the kind of questions you should ask yourself. The best way to approach a problem is finding out the root cause if it.

2. Always be the real you
Always know you are not thesame with others and the way you see things differ from them. Try to be yourself and stay put. You should figure out why you engaged in the journey and keep yourself determined. You should not try to copy others. Rather, do yours with the best of your abilities.

3. Be determined
Determination is one of the qualities every one should have when going through one problem or the other. Determination build up confidence and gives you the ability to stand up for the rights. You should know where you're headed and why you engaged in the journey from the start.
Losing your confidence can sometimes seem like the end of the world, but it doesn't have to be.

Here are 5 steps you can take to regain your confidence and get back on track.

1) Identify triggers.

You may not realize it, but there are certain things that trigger you to lose your confidence in life. It could be a bad dream, a boss, or something else entirely. Identify the main triggers in your life so that you can then figure out how to tackle them one by one.

2) Change your negative self-talk into positive self-talk.

A lot of people (even those who don't have confidence issues) are guilty of talking down to themselves. Instead of letting yourself make excuses for why you aren't good enough or why you can't succeed, start telling yourself that you CAN do those things and that you ARE good enough. This is an exercise in positive thinking that will help change the way you approach problems in the future.

3) Take action and build momentum.

There's a pretty good chance that when you lose your confidence, it's because something has already happened once or twice before, and now it's just happening again. Once you've figured out what it's you can conquer it and move ahead.
For me confidence means raising your self esteem or worth. The thing is that if you leave your self to others they won't mind stepping on you and using you as their foot mat. The thing is that the latter is easy to do and people without conscience wouldn't hesitate to play on people so it left for individuals to stop such.

if you want your confidence back you have to first believe in yourself. know that you are a star abd that you are outstanding and uniquely created. You give no room for someone to talk down at you. You halt all forms of bully and limit the ways that others try to make you feel bad.

Again, you are determined to keep your confidence at a top notch level. you maintain your dignity and poise and know that you are worth more than people value you. You do your work just the way you should and refuse to allow pride overtake you..So it is always about oneself because no one can give one the confidence one needs. You build it yourself.

Self confidence is needed to excel in life as such we need to build it to a point that it will sustain us even through trials.
Self confidence is a very important thing. It must not be taken with levity because it will bring life into whatever we are doing. We will experience inferiority if our self esteem is jeopardise. So, we will need to try as much as possible to boost our self confidence. We could boost our self confidence by moving with the right people. Moving or interacting with the people who believed in you. If you do otherwise, your morale will be affected and depression will set in. You should try as much as possible to avoid depression. Being depressed could result in low self confidence . You need to fight depression as much as possible and always ensure that you make use of the social media like Facebook to interact with friends and families. You also need to seek for medical attention if you have tried the points that I raised and you discovered that it's not working. The way out of this is the medical attention. You will be diagnosed and treated accordingly by the medical personnel. The major thing is that there should be a way out medically if all that means explored isn't working . You should always avoid fatigue too.
Loosing your self confidence is something that happens along the way in this journey called life. Especially in your career, you can sometimes start seeing yourself as unworthy and lack so many things. I want you to remember that this is normal. Don't view it as a very bad thing that cannot be changed. Just have some positive attitude then it will be easier to make changes.

One way to build back your self confidence in the career you are in is to find out the cause of less self confidence. Maybe it is that you don't trust your skills anymore. So you should take your time and convince yourself that you are skilled. Or if you lacking a certain skill, make plans on how you can learn it.

Another thing you can do to bring back self confidence is to focus on your career and start giving it genuine interest and effort. You will find that once you start viewing it positively and giving it effort, you will start seeing yourself differently.

Lastly, don't beat yourself up amidst t your mistakes or challenges. It may be hard but try as much as possible to view the situation positively. A positive mindset is how you will get out of the situation faster.
A man without self-confidence is like a lion without its roars. There is no doubt that self-confidence is not an attribute which is possessed by everyone. There are so many people who had confidence in themselves but due to the environment they find themselves, their orientation now became dormant and resulted in lack of self-confidence. Many people do mistake the concept of self-confidence to be pride but the both are quite different and distinctive.

Pride has to do with ego and excesses but when talking of confidence, it goes a long way and drives to positive outcomes. There is a lady who had great potentials and had self-confidence such that it brought her to the limelight buy peradventure, she was in a hostile environment, which her parents who were supposed to encourage her were always busy looking for ways to reduce her morale. This affected her psyche and also the way she carried herself. It was too obvious that her level of self-esteem had dropped and she was now very timid and kept to herself. The best or prudent way to regain one's self confidence is by ignoring any form of negative statement, draft out your goals and work in pursuit towards it.
Self-confidence is one quality that makes you motivated even when others cannot see the potentials in you. The level of self-confidence one exudes is capable of making waves positively for the individual. Personally, I see self-confidence as as ornament or a perfume that should be worn without fear of any kind. So many persons have lost their poise due to the situations that surround them. Some years ago, I nearly lost my self-esteem due to the type of challenges I had encountered but there is a saying that kept me going which is, 'never forget your goals.' This saying has been my catalyst in spurring my assertiveness even in the face of situations where it seems there will be no solution.

Even some job seekers have been declined from working with different companies or organizations because of the way they carried themselves. When attending an interview, one of the qualities and employer or a recruiter looks out for is the level of charisma exuded and also the level of self-reliance and boldness. No employer would readily employ a job seeker who does not have confidence in his own individuality and who is timid to even respond to the question thrown at him. Self-confidence can be regained by reminding yourself of your capabilities, address the obstacles squarely that keeps you from being confident and work around those barriers without fear.