How To Set Work-Life Boundaries At Your New Job


VIP Contributor
You recently started a new job that is far better than your previous one. It's like, everything is awesome and you're so excited to start working there! But then… you realize that your work-life boundaries are going to be different. And they might not be awesome.

The following considerations should be made while establishing boundaries at your new job.

1. Scheduling time for work-life balance is important! It's not just about you, but also about your coworkers and your team. Make sure you're all on the same page about what's expected of you in terms of working hours, and take the time to communicate with your manager or supervisor if you have any questions.

2. Ask questions! It's ok to ask if there are things that need to be clarified or changed, but don't leave it at that ask how they can help you set boundaries around those areas where you feel like there might be room for improvement.

3. Be honest about everything going on outside of work that may have an impact on your performance there or vice versa. If something comes up, don't keep it from your manager. it's their job to keep everyone informed so that everyone can do their best work!

4. If it feels like a boundary has been crossed, talk with your manager about it immediately. there should be no reason for anyone to feel uncomfortable or threatened by these discussions because they're meant to make everyone feel heard and welcome in the workplace!