How To Talk About Your Career Aspirations At An Interview


VIP Contributor
As you might know, one of the best ways to show a potential employer how motivated and interested you are in their company is by talking about your career aspirations. If you don't have any clear goals for yourself, it's hard to show that you're excited about working there.

So what does this mean? It means that when you meet with someone for an interview, it's easy to make the wrong impression. If you don't have any goals or ambitions for yourself, then seeing a job as an opportunity to start fresh somewhere else will be very appealing to you and that probably means that the job isn't right for you!

So how do we get past this? The first step is to think about what kind of person would be good for your career aspirations. What kind of job do they need someone like that to do? Who would benefit from having them on staff at their organization?

Once you've identified those things, it's time to talk them over with whoever is interviewing you and then show them why they'd love having YOU there!

1. Tell them what you love about your job right now, and why that's not changing in the future.

2. Tell them what kind of person you are and how they can expect to work with you.

3. Ask if they have any questions or concerns, and then answer them honestly and directly.

You can also try practicing some of the responses with friends before you go in for the interview so that you have a clear idea of what kind of language they expect from candidates.