How to Write a Book By Using ChatGPT


VIP Contributor
A lot of people are using ChatGPT to create content and publish online. Well, ChatGPT will give you text based answers to any question you ask but it was not created for people to generate content and then publish online. You can use this tool to create content, including ebooks and book-length manuscripts but you should stay away from publishing entire text generated by the tool. Here is how you can use ChatGPT to write a book and make money by publishing your book.

Ask ChatGPT to give you 10-20 tiles on the topic of your choice.

Choose the title you like and ask ChapGPT to write 10 chapters for the title.

Ask ChatGPT to give you outlines for those 10 chapters.

Ask ChatGPT to provide detail on the outlines generated in the previous step.

Ask ChatGPT to create chapters based on the outlines generated.

Copy paste the entire text into a document.

Now, go to a tool called This tool will humanize the content generated by AI.

Now, go to upwork and hire an editor and ask him to edit your manuscript.

Once your manuscript is ready, and formatted well, go to canva and create a cover for your book

The final step is to publish the book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
The Word AI price is 324 dollar per year so you have to enroll only if you are sure that it will generate revenue, and of course enroll on Chat GPT 4 that is paid version of Chat GPT for better results for chapter, but they do not support cryptocurrency.