Importance of fruit


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Fruit is very good for the body it boost the immune system and also make the body healthy.fruits have essential vitamins and minerals which when taken makes the body healthy.fruits also reduce the rate of disease and infection.things like cancer, typhoid and any other kind of disease.fruits are low in calories and is very rich in fibre which is good for the health.they help us to maintain good health.also eat vegetables because it's good for the body.fruits has different flavors it's natural and not made with sugar so you can take it well and it cannot cause stomach pain or diabetes.doctors also prescribe fruit's for you because they know it's very good for the body so eat fruits for a healthy life
Fruit are very vital to our health as they help in providing nutrient to our body and they also help in reducing the risk of developing certain diseases in the body and fruits also makes us active, strong and energetic we should always make sure we are eating fruits regularly
Fruit contains more fiber which gives body more energy and help to boost immune system which equally aid to prevent any diseases against the body .
It very good to be eating fruit because it make body to look fresh and good .Eating fruit along with exercise do help a lot.
Friuts give the body energy and also give the body good nutrients
Fruits is very important that our regular diet at least three times in a week because of the nutrients that it provides to the body
Fruit contain vital nutrient that helps to support our health growth I'm making us healthy strong and active