Importance of influencer marketing ?


VIP Contributor
The last few years have really brought about the rising influence or marketing . It is now a trend that people are now always posting about products that they want their followers to buy once they have reached a few thousand followers. This has always brought a question that why must it always be that way and how effective are this kind of marketing strategies . Influencer marketing is a very important part of a business campaign and it is actually going to bring you a couple of advantages .

1. Trust . A lot of this social media influencers have taken some time in order to get a lot of trust from their perceived followers and as such , the audience are always going to add her to what they are saying and buy the products that they are shilling .

2. It is cheaper . When you are going to compare it with the traditional means of advertising where you are going to use the paid algorithm of social media network , you are going to understand that influence our marketing is quiet cheaper and this is going to be in addition to the so many other benefits you're going to be getting.
Influencer marketing is a crucial tool for brands and businesses to engage with customers in an organic and authentic way.

As consumers, we're inundated with advertising everywhere we look—but we've gotten used to blocking it out. In fact, many of us actively seek out ways to avoid ads, whether it's by skipping them on YouTube or scrolling past promoted posts on Instagram.

This phenomenon has changed the way companies market their products and services. Instead of pushing ads at people who may not even be their target audience, they are partnering with influencers who already have an established relationship with that audience. These influencers—whether they're celebrities, athletes, or regular people with a large following—can create content that resonates more effectively with potential customers than the same content coming from a brand itself.

For example, if someone you follow on Instagram creates a post about how much they love your brand, new release of lip glosses that smell like Play-Doh, you'll probably be more likely to find them interesting than if another brand itself had posted the same thing. The influencer's endorsement comes across as more trustworthy because of their existing relationship with you, so the message is going to be received better than one coming directly from a total stranger
I will have to disagree with influencer marketing being cheap. If you are talking about an influencer with just 1000-2000 followers, you might find influencer marketing cheap, these people cannot be called influencers in a true sense. An influencer should have a lot of followers, think about 20k or 50k or even 100k followers. If you are trying to work with an influencer who has 100k followers, you might have to pay $50-$100 for a single endorsement. The cost of influencer marketing depends on the number of followers the influencer has, the location of the followers, engagements the influencer receives, and the niche the influencer.
I am a facebook and Instagram influencer. I have been making money through influencer marketing since 8 years. I started building my facebook pages and Instagram when I was still in high school. I started making money from my social pages when I was still at college. The key to becoming influencer is posting content that your followers will find interesting and useful. Most of my followers are young people, I try to understand their their dreams, desires, aspirations. I only share the content they find useful and interesting. This not only helps me in engagement but also building followers.