Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Workday


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Mindfulness is the act of being present, conscious and non-judgmental about your thoughts, emotions and environment. When you incorporate mindfulness into your workday, it can be beneficial to your overall well-being as well as productivity.

By beginning your day with mindfulness, you are able to develop a serene mind that helps you concentrate when undertaking tasks thereafter. Short mindful breaks during the day will enable one recharge their energy levels; reduce stress and will help in maintaining a high level of presence throughout. Mindful eating can help you savor your food, reduce overeating, and provide a mental break from work.

Instead of multitasking, single-tasking can improve productivity and relieve anxiety. Among them include turning off notifications while working or creating a designated workspace dedicated for work purposes only. Gratitude practice increases overall job satisfaction and wellbeing.

Remember that incorporating mindfulness into your work day is gradual process which requires patience and consistency before experiencing its benefits in one’s life both at personal level and at work place.