Infectious diseases can be caused by

Infectious diseases are mostly caused by carelessness by not handling things with care and not being hygienic
sharing of personal stuffs like towel,
brush bathing sponge you can easily contact infections through that way because of the person sweats or body fluid
infectious diseases are caused by so many reasons it can be due to you touching an infected object which end up putting it in the mouth or your nose or your eyes so we should make sure we wash our hands regularly
There are different kind of infectious diseases with their own dynamics. There are some that can be contracted through physical touch while some need to come in contact with body fluids like blood and semen.
Infectious diseases can be infected by using the same brush, towel or spoon with someone who has the infection
If you are not hygienic it can also cause infections due to the bacteria and germs that like staying in dirty places
Diseases that can be infected can be transmitted in so many ways but by following all the precautions you listed I think we will be able to avoid them
Disease can be caused when two people are close to each other in such a way that for instance when a person cough or sneeze there is possibility of you coughing or sneezing too because you have inhale the infection and spread infection From the person to your don't be too close to people you know the type of disease they have


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1. When an infected person touches, sneeze or cough on the person that is not infected it can make the person that is not infected to also have that same disease that is why it is good to always use handkerchief or your elbow to cover your mouth anytime you want to sneeze or cough and we should also make sure we wash our hand Regularly
2. Infectious diseases can also be infected from animals, when an infected animal bite or scratch someone that is not infected it can make the person to be sick, and face other consequences as well that is why it is not good to always handle any animal waste anyhow as you can get infected with toxoplasmosis
Infectious person can easily infect other person through sneezing or coughing especially through this corona virus epidemic or someone that have tuberculosis must be covering mouth in other not to infect others,we should be careful with animals too because they can infect us with diseases we prevent it by washing our hand regularly
Those are surely the ways that people get infected easily and as long as we avoid it we will be able to prevent the infections
Infectious diseases can be caused by improper hygiene like not taking proper care of what we consume
Infected diseases are usually contacted when an infected person sneeze or cough without covering his or her mouth