Investment or saving, which is the best?


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A lot of people do make money from their offline works. Most of them prefer saving their money in the bank when some people to invest their money.

Saving or investing your money which one is the best?

Saving your money in the bank won't yield any profit, you will still go back and meet them the same amount you deposited.

Investing your money can yield profit, it all depends on the kind of investment you indulge yourself in. But it will surely bring profit.

So in my own case, I prefer investing my money rather than saving them.
on the kind of investment you indulge yourself in. But it will surely bring profit.

So in my own case, I prefer investing my money rather than saving them

In order to make a successful investment decision you should first of all select a company that has a reliable business....Additionally,the company should prove that it has good prospects for success in terms of growth...

Second,you should be able to find a price that coincides with the current state of the company and its future should make a reasonable evaluation i order to avoid paying more than the company is really worth

In order to determine the current and future value of the company's.... You can refer to one or several of the many formula for this purpose.....However,,you should not fully rely on them and try to develop your common sense feeling in order to pick the stock that best meet your financial goals.....

When you start the stock selection process take your time....Don't be too impatient and if a stock doesn't look very viable don't invest in it .....there are plenty of other opportunities in which you can invest your hard earned money...Analyze all the alternative investment and select the one that best meets your needs and goals......

Remember that you should try to avoid the described above bad stocks ,in which only look profitable but are financially hollo.... Additionally,the best way no to lose your money is to invest reasonably and cautiously by analyzing every opportunity before jumping into it....

so I will advice you to invest your money and don't save it
Investment and saving are very good to a person life, for a man to have a reasonable amount of money at hand to meet his need then the man must have a good savings and for a man to always grow in life then the man must also have a good investment that bring in good return. Investment and savings have their own risk that is attached to it, savings come with the risk that the money kept in a savings account might not yield interest for a very long time, the money will just be there adding no value to the owner but rather be adding value to the financial institution where the money is been kept. The beauty of savings is that it serve a very good purpose when we are urgently in need of cash or need money to do a good project. Savings take away momey from us without bringing in more money while Investment takes away money from someone but with the hope that it bring in more money than it took from us. From all indication both savings and investment are good to practice without allow one to affect the other but I will rather prefer to put my money in investment to bring in more money for me than just to keep it in savings doing nothing.
In my opinion, there is no best, because saving and investing support each other, for example if you need $1,000 to invest, then you can save $100 every month and for 10 months you will get funds for investment. The results of the investment can be put into savings or banks. Saving will be a loss if you save large amounts of money in the bank because the interest rate is lower than the inflation rate. Saving or saving money in a bank is also a good thing, if we need money suddenly we can take it through an ATM, or Mbanking, so the function of savings is as an emergency reserve, because we are unlikely to sell the items we make investments.
Investment and savings plays a very important role in our lives, personally I do not think one is better than the other cause they both carry out a specific function and they actually go with one another. Savings on its own cannot make you rich, adding investmet would be the best way to make more returns from your capital. Investments on the other hand, anything can happen there are times where your investment might not go as planned, having some savings would prevent you form starting from the very beginning.
There is no easy answer when it comes to investment or saving. Both options have their own benefits and drawbacks. The best way to decide which option is right for you is to weigh the pros and cons of each approach.

Investing your money can be a great way to grow your wealth over time. However, there is always the risk of losing money if the investment goes sour. On the other hand, saving your money is a more conservative option that guarantees you will not lose any money. However, you will not see the same level of growth as you would with investing.

Ultimately, the best option depends on your specific circumstances. You need to consider how much risk you are willing to take, how long you are prepared.
It's absolutely profits and individual to save and also to invest money and I do not think that it saving money can totally surpass the act of investing money and I also did not think that investing money can totally surpass the act of saving money. And that is because the saving of money and the investing of money it's definitely something that goes interchangeably with each other. We need to save money in order to invest money and also we need to invest in order to save money. To be more elaborate and clear, assuming that a very interesting investment opportunity should show up today, we are more likely to think we can get money in order to invest and if we have been saving we can totally get money from our saving funds in order to invest.

On the other hand, he definitely know the benefits We stand to gain if we expand our savings, any other for us to expand our savings we need to invest money on any legit investment that comes our way. And technically the more we invest the more we stand a chance to earn more.
I consider investment to be one of the best way you can save your money for long-term purposes . investment I am talking about can be in so many different ways .
A lot of people can invest in properties such as Lands and buildings while at the same time a lot of people may choose to invest in business for the main purpose of generating profits within a particular period of time.

Savings does not give people extra money except you have to save in the bank in which the percentage increase will be minute and again you won't be able to realise any tangible profit.

There are some investment that are profitable and at the same time less risky and such investment are always encourage for people that have huge sum of money to invest for long-term purposes.

Investment on unknown online platform should be avoided as much as possible .