Is Drinking Really Brings Joy?.


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Some time when you ask those that used to drink alcohol what they usually say is that ; they just want to be happy and be free from their sad conditions.

I think If alcohol has brought much joy to man, it has also brought much suffering especially to the women and children of men who drink.
A little alcohol now and then may do no harm. But too often little meads to a lot. In much of the world, heavy or excessive drinking is one of the underlying causes of major help problems even for those who do not drink.
Not only can drunkenness harm the health if those who drink ( through diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, but it also hurts the family and community in many ways. Through loss of judgement when drunk and of self respect when sober it leads to much unhappiness, waste and violence, and some times affecting those who are loved most.

I will like to ask some question here.
How many fathers have spent their last money on drink when their children were hungry? How .any sicknesses result because a man spends the little bit of extra money he earns on drink rather than on improving his family's living conditions? How many persons, hating themselves because they have hurt those they love, take another drink yo forget?.

Once a man realize that alcohol is harming the health and happiness of those around him, what can he do?

Please do justice to these question . Thank you.


I see drinking as self lies cause this is what they do not understand. Indeed drinking might help them forget their problems at that very moment but what about when they are sober? All the pains and sorrows comes back again with full force. It's better you sort it out at the very beginning than relying on drinking cause drinking changes nothing rather it only makes you drunk, and might even end up destroying your body system on the long run.


Verified member
Drinking is a very bad habit and it's common among most adult.mostly male and even some female do take alcohol not knowing they are putting there life at risk.alcohol has many side effects such as body odour because when you drink you start to smell which is bad because people will not want to be with you and the of our from the mouth will be bad.also the teeth start to decay and turn brown.also when you take alcohol the weight of the body tend to increase abnormally leading to obesity and it's not good for the health.the stomach also get bigger so don't take alcohol it's bad for the health and also always go for medical check-up to Know the body state and condition


VIP Contributor
There's a lot of talk about how drinking brings joy. But does it?

The answer is, well, complicated. Drinking does make you feel good in the short-term, but that's because alcohol is a depressant. It works by slowing the activity of your central nervous system and can make you feel relaxed or calm. However, the more you drink, the more your brain starts to adapt to alcohol's effects and needs higher amounts of alcohol to produce them. This is where the problems start.

You might not be thinking about it when you're having fun at a party or out with friends, but drinking can have serious consequences for your health. Long-term health effects include liver damage, heart disease, and cancer—all things that are definitely going to dampen your joie de vivre (that's "joy of living" in French).

All of this is not to say that you shouldn't enjoy yourself every once in a while—but if you do drink, do so responsibly and infrequently.

Most of my friends drink alcohol and they see me as a Jew man or a stupid and weak Pearson. What I know is, when I go out with them, they take their alcohol, and i take my soft drink or table water if I want. They derive so much joy, I derive a lot of joy too. It's my choice.


VIP Contributor
As as human beings we have the tendency to drink . No human being on Earth would say that he or she in a particular day does not drink . Some of the things we daily drink include water , fruit juice , alcohol , and wine . Drinking no doubt brings joy especially when the drink is chilled and cold . The drinking of alcohol in itself is not bad but a lot of people have taken the drinking of alcohol to a whole new level making it seems harmful and must be avoided . Even the holy scriptures the Bible does not condemn the drinking of alcohol but it surely warns that the drinking of alcohol must be done in moderation .

Alcohol , is one home remedy used to alleviate and cure various stomach issues like running stomach , Stiff excretion , and delayed excreting . Taking a lentil alcohol can help solve these stomach issues . But the over drinking and binging on too much alcohol also leads to various health side effects such as brain failure , memory loss , premature aging , hair loss , weight loss , reddish and brownish eyes and teeth and most importantly premature death .