Is There Always a Second Chance to Get Rich?


VIP Contributor
There is always a second chance to get rich. But it's not easy. It takes time, effort and persistence to build wealth. God has blessed us with all of these things, so that we can become wealthy. But we must work hard to achieve our goals and make it happen in our lifetime

If you want to be wealthy, you must want it bad enough that you'll work for it! If there is a second chance to get rich, what do you think it is? If you have your own business and you are struggling to make money, then it is time to reconsider your plans. I am sure that many of the people who read this thread will agree with me on this issue. We all know that there are many ways to make money. But when it comes to making a lot of money in a short time, I believe that one of the most effective ways is by starting your own business.

Why? Because what you can do as an entrepreneur is earn a lot of money probably quickly and easily. you need to be passionate about what you do and the ability to find customers for your product or service. Just imagine how much money you can earn if you start an online business today.


Verified member
Yes there is always a second chance for everyone to get rich it is only the poor minded people that thinks that they can't get rich because if actually you said a very good goals for yourself in life I think there's no way by which you cannot get rich let me just say that getting rich is very easy only for people who are ready to take the chances and risks in it sometimes the way by which you can get which are usually risky ways but you need to understand that life itself is a risk and only the people who take it can enjoy it

So if you lost an opportunity to make money whether online or offline don't give up there's always a second chance for you to be able to make money or take decisions which you have failed to take action upon in the past many people might ridicule you for some decisions which will make but don't listen to them just focus on what you have to do and leave the rest to God.

Try to fulfill your dreams the only place where all unfulfilled dreams are is in the graveyard once you die your dreams die also so try to accomplish your goal.


Valued Contributor
Everyone has a chance to make a lot of money and gain wealth. Though not everyone attains this goal of being rich. I think the following things are what will make one grow rich.

1. Having the mindset of wealthy people.

One thing that prevents people from getting rich is simply their mindsets. You find that people don't believe in their ability to make so much money and grow rich. Especially those who come from poverty stricken families and societies. Somehow, the poor mindset gets passe down to them and so they never grow rich.

2. Hard work and determination.

It takes so much work to be able to make a considerable amount of money. One should be ready to give it the effort. But your efforts should always be well calculated and smart.

3. Taking risks

Most rich people took some risks that most ordinary people don't take. If you want to grow rich, be ready to take calculated risks.