Is there any job security left in today's economy?

King bell

VIP Contributor
If you're feeling anxious about your future, take a deep breath. There are still plenty of jobs with security left in today’s economy — you just need to know where to look. To help you out, we've compiled a list of some of the top careers that offer strong job security and opportunities for growth.

-Biochemist: With an average salary of $81,000 per year, it's no wonder that biochemists are so sought after (and in such high demand). Not only do biochemists work in the private sector, but their expertise is also needed in government and nonprofit agencies.

-Dentist: Thanks to the aging of baby boomers, dentistry has been a consistently growing field for years now. And by 2015, it's estimated there will be a shortage of more than 7,000 dental professionals. So if you have an interest in dentistry you better hurry up and get your license.

-Librarian: Librarians are not just information experts — they're also reliable problem solvers. With an average salary of $56,000 per year, librarians don't have to worry about finding a job anytime soon.

-Registered Nurse: With the health care industry growing at a rapid pace, nursing will always be in demand. One reason for this is the rapidly aging baby boomer population — and the fact that people are living longer than ever before.

-Foreign Service Officer: The United States Foreign Service employs more than 10,000 individuals who represent America abroad. As you can imagine, these jobs are most often in high demand overseas. So if you're interested in international relations and want to travel the world while working for the government — this might be a good place to start looking.