It can be a liability when the sales attendant is over aggressive


VIP Contributor
I usually encounter an aggressive sales attendant in department stores particularly those assigned in the clothing and apparel areas. When they see me they would approach and release the spiel. I would just nod to acknowledge. But sometimes the sales attendant would push her spiel to the point of being annoying. My tendency now is to leave the area when the sales attendant is overly aggressive.

For business owners and managers of stores they should know that a sales attendant should be amiable and peaceful in his approach. A simple greeting would be enough. Let the customer do what he wanted to do. Never interfere unless the customer engages you in a conversation. An overzealous sales attendant is a liability instead of an asset to the business of retailing.


VIP Contributor
Yeah some store attendants can be very aggressive and overbearing I can totally relate with this. sometimes I wonder if they need to transfer their aggressions to customers to feel better because I don’t get it. All the same I still buy but I make it as quickly as I can to leave


VIP Contributor
It is very important that whenever people want to employ anyone they should first of all master their character and know how they behave towards customers. I have been in a situation where I was almost embarrassed by a store attendant and that really made me to stay away from that store even if I need the product badly.


Verified member
Being over aggressive for an attendant in a business is very bad for the business ,as the customers may feel irritated by the actions of the attendant,and may possibly leave the business because it this. The best thing is to endeavor to access the type of people employed in such a critical position.


VIP Contributor
I think you're very basic thing that people should know about customer service is politeness. A customer might not actually come to complain if he's not angry so adding to it would not help at all. I remembered I had to leave the first bank that I opened because the always had rude customer support and it was always tiring.


VIP Contributor
The behavior of the workers go in long way in determining the success of the business. The main reason why someone needs to employ someone that's very good at human relation. There are some people that are not that good whole relating with people, those set may not be too good for business.