Make money from youtube shorts and tiktok

Nowadays, Youtube Shorts and Tiktok are the best places to start making money online.

Simply keep uploading videos, at least 10–20 per day, and one of them will go viral, gaining you thousands of followers in a short period of time.

Try to make your own video content; if recording your face or voice is a problem for you, leave it out. What can you do to create one-of-a-kind video content? Continue reading:

1. Capture the screen of your computer or mobile phone.
2. Make a recording while you're out and about (nature, food, animals, etc)
3. React to other people's videos
4. Make videos out of screenshots
5. Make videos from text, videos from photos, and so on....

When you share your videos, don't forget to watermark them with your profile name.
Begin monetizing as soon as you have 10,000 or more followers. Sell shoutouts, offer in video ads, sell the profile, and a variety of other options.