Make money with posting of ads


Valued Contributor
Ads is one of the ways to promote one’s business these days, this really boost the opportunity for customers to patronize you. So it is actually a mandatory strategy if your want good for your brand. If you are smart and a business minded person, you will know that this is a chance to make money for yourself, do you know how much those public figures charge for using their social media to advertise, all you really need to do is to build your own account and make sure you create a fan base, you can achieve this by making yourself popular, do something interesting to attract people’s attention, this will make you influential and that is the kind of person they will be willing to need to help them endorse there products, you can charge as much as fifty thousand naira for an advert, imagine get ten of them, do you know how much you will be banking in to your account? You can also do it in a way to help people post on google ads, this requires some skills though, if you ask me, I think it is worth learning, because you will definitely get the benefits in the long run.
It is a nice business but you can only be able to succeed if you have a digital product to sell or maybe a physical product depending on the one you are interested on ,I also believe this also can be done as an affiliate business in which you refer people to buy a particular product for a commission but before you go into this then you must have a good understanding of affiliate marketing to be able to get effective results.. when I have a digital product like graphic designing business or any other that is what I will do. Thanks.
It's a way of creating value to earn really.... Whatever you do if it's adds or gives value then it will definitely generate money for you. Ads are very important and needed as well cos it brings tons of customers right back to business owners. And businesses are becoming rampant this days, doing this is really good.