Microneedling Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know


For the treatment of wrinkles and fine lines, microneedling is a common method. It involves the use of a needle to puncture your skin, allowing tiny amounts of liquid to be injected into the dermis layer. The prickly sensation from this is supposed to promote collagen production, as well as speeding up cell turnover, which can result in brighter, smoother skin.

The process also has some immediate effects on your skin: you may experience an erythema (redness) for up to two days after treatment and you may notice some swelling. After a few weeks, these symptoms will fade. If you have sensitive skin, or have had allergies or reactions in the past, it might be best to talk with your doctor before trying microneedling.

There are several different types of microneedling devices on the market, including microdermabrasion machines that use suction to remove dead skin cells and exfoliate your face; dermal rollers that gently roll over your face; and active lasers that penetrate deeper into your skin than other treatments while removing layers by creating tiny channels through which nutrients can flow more efficiently into your cells.