Multilevel Marketing Strategy


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Multilevel Marketing Strategy.
If you are a marketing strategist, you might probably know exactly what multilevel marketing is. This approach provides the best way to market products and services using a channel of direct sellers. In this personal-sales direct marketing, businesses use personal sales to promote their goods and services. At the same time, remitting a significant amount of their profit in commissions to the channel of sellers. Referred to as network marketing, they aim at direct sales and relationships as the culmination of their marketing practices. Discussing indirect sales or product sales by invitation, the core function of a multi-level business involves the promotion of products or services to end consumers, who later become part of the brand’s supply chain.
People would want to disagree with me but in my opinion multi level marketing or MLM in short is nothing but a ponzi scheme, only few people on the top of the pyramid structure can actually make money. Rest of the people are these to lose their money. Multi level marketing requires to build downlines through fake promised, this is nothing but a scam. In my part of the world, multi level marketing along with pyramid schemes and ponzi schemes are outlawed. You cannot operate MLM legally here.
Multi level marketing is nothing but a well orchestrated and promoted scam. They would tell you to bring four people that would bring four people so that you can earn something. They know very well that it is almost impossible to meet up with those bogus targets. Even if you are to meet up, it would burn you out severely.

I have never joined a multi level marketing. They would sugar coat, over price and over hype a product for their members to buy and resell. Only for them to buy and can never able sell it again. I don't believe in multi level marketing ever being legit.