Need for interest free loan for Business financing


New member
Business financing and financing a project is a very crucial thing in investment decision. Business is being financed either by Personal fund or via loan. Whichever dimension one has taken, the bottom line is to get the business financed as laid down in such a financial business budget. However most business is being financed by loan . Not only being financed by loan , most are being financed by interest based loan. This interest on loan is usually called finance cost in financial parlance.

Most times this finance cost is always very huge for some business to carry. Most times the profit and loss account of a business will not have the capability of accomodating the finance cost. which means most business cannot bear it. They are just managing the situation just to able to survive and still be in the business.

I wish the entire society look into this and encourage islamic finance as it is being avalable in many countries of the world. A non interest business financing will not only solve many business problems but also amelioarte the suffering of both the existiong business oriented people from all walks of life and the entire up coming ones in our society