Noun 2022 TMA 3 solutions


All Tma solutions will be posted here everyday, kindly register on this platform for more solutions and exam questions

1. Adam Smith
2. Benchmarking
3. Outsourcing
4. Quality dependence
5. Fishbone diagram
6. Business reality
7. Japan
8. Difficult
9. Fragmentation
10. Operational change

CSS 111 tma 3 10/10
1. Authority (is the legitimate......)
2. Comte (father of sociology)
3. Family (first knowlegde....)
4. Not written
5. 2 (basic type of marriage)
6. Lombroso
7. Primary deviance
8. Nuclear family
9. Second
10. 3 (source of .......)


1) Business objectives represent the point an organization want to attain and it is futuristic that is, it concerns the............

Ans......... Future

2) Income distribution, expenditure patterns, saving capability of.......
Ans..... Consumers

3) Population and it's distribution constitute the target..........

Ans....... Markets

4) If the economy is buoyant, there will be more demands

Ans.... Revenue

5) A good objective of commands not only the focus of management but also.....

Ans.... Management

6) Cultural environment such as the......

Ans.... Values

7) Similarly, if the economy is depressed, fewer goods will

Ans... Organization

8) An objective should not be set for setting sake or simply another organization has its own......

Ans....... Objective

9) . The manager has to take into consideration the consumption of the.......

Ans...... population


1) The branch of psychology that involves mainly the application to....

Ans...... Forensic

2) Psychology is mainly concerned with the.....

Ans....... systematic

3) . The psychology of the psychoanalysis perspectives is related to

Ans..... Sigmund freud

4) . The process concerned with thinking. The processing of information.......

Ans....... Cognitive

5) Psychology is the science that studies behavior and what Goes on in the.....

Ans... Mind

6) The main belief shared by these early pioneers was that........


7) The developmental task such as crawling. Creeping......


8) Psychology was part of ancient discipline was part of.....

Ans..... Philosophy

9) The first recognized book on psychology was written by....

Ans..... William james

10) Psychology is vital to the understanding of.......

Ans.... Human

CIT425 10/10
C- mathematical models
B- Iconic
D- Variables
B- Solution
A- Return Limitation
C- Constraint
C- Analytic Models
D- Probalistic Models
C- Parameter
C- Mathematical Models

CIT445 10/10
B- Logical
A- Union
C- Code Optimization
D- All of the Options
A- Bookkeeping
B- Table Management
B- Linger
C- High Level Language
D- All of the Options
D- All of the Above

Question No: 7

Eco342 tma3

1. Taxation (C)

2. Spendthrift economy (b)

3. Problem of running cost (d)

4. Circular flow (a)

5. Exogenously (a)

6. Comparative analysis (a)

7. Per capita income (c)

8. Disposable income (a)

9. Economic planning (c)

10. Households (b)

Eco332 tma 3

1. Fixed cost (a)

2. Dependent and independent (c)

3. Total revenue (c)

4. Imputed (b)

5. Economic profit (d)

6. Managerial economics (a)

7. 2(a)

8. All (a)

9. Autonomous (b)

10. Economic profit (b)

Eco384 tma3

1. Euraisa (a)

2. Economics globalization (c)

3. An export (a)

4. Heckscher -ohlin model (a)

5. Quota system (a)

6. US dollar (b)

7. 1945 (a)

8. Impartiality (b)

9. Corruption (d)

10. Electricity -generation equi..... (c)

Eco324 tma3

1. GDP = C+Inv + G + (eX-I) (d)

2. By reducing real profit (d)

3. The marginalist approach (a)

4. Unemployment (b)

5. % change in qty / % change in price (c)

6. Macroeconomics (a)

7. MV= PT (a)

8. Alfred Marshall (d)

9. P1+S1V/C+V (b)

10. Individualism (a)

Eco356 tma3

1. Correlation (a)

2. Sample variance (c)

3. Two (b)

4. Sample variance (b)

5. Simple (a)

6. Population (b)

7. Sample (c)

8. Single (c)

9. Sample variance (a)

10. Non of the above (d)

Eco314 tma3

1. Materials (d)

2. Disorganization (d)

3. Plant (a) *theory the input*

4. Medium processing time MPT (a)

5. 212.5(b)

6. Control (b)

7. The person or group of persons making decision (c)

8. Ganth chart and assignment method....

9. 320 (d)

10. This is the particular preference structured of the decision makers (a)
Eco344 Tma3

1. Walrasian, price equilibrium (a)

2. Marginal rate of substitution (c)

3. Imperfect completion (a)

4. Produce (c)

5. Trade balance (a)

6. Partial (c)

7. Market clearing (c)

8. All of the above (d)

9. United State, canada, Mexico (c)

10. CommodiTy

Eco346 tma3

1. AfDB (a)

2. International payment (d)

3. Donor/borrower (a)

4. Jeddan, Saudi Arabia (a)

5. NAICOM (a)

6. Passbook (d)

7. United Bank of African UBA (d)

8. Inflation (a)

9. Marginal productivity (b)

10. 1912 (c)

The seed are naked
All animals

POL 111 tma 3 10/10
1. Alfred Thayer and Sir Halford Mackinder (coined....)
2. Power (is common...)
3. Human societies are faced with the problem of scarce resources
4. Problem of (Order)
5. Two (division)
6. E. H. Carr (define History.....)
7. Political process
8. Bentley used a (Sociological
9. Jean Bodin (1530-1596)
10. Aristotle (view politics as....)


1) D the nationality of the seller must be known
2) B The representation as to the agents authority is by the Principal
3) D Duty not to accept bribe
4) D The principal ractified timeously
5) D To refund all rents paid by the hirer
6) B Transfer of title
7) D Any Employee
8) C Section 14(1)
9) D 25 Million
10) B Statutory Company

CRD305 TMA 3

1) D Agricultural Extension
2) A True (Diversification of the economy)
3) D Human
4) C Low
5) C All
6) B Plan
7) A True (Nutrition and housing is a goal)
8) A True Rural areas are characterized by high)
9) A Raw

CIT202 TMA3 10/10
Answers only
(1) Planning
(2) Private conversation
(3) An infected file
(4) Device drivers
(5) Word processing and graphics
(6) Data
(7) Database management system
(8) Software
(9) bandwidth
(10) all of the options

ENT305 TMA 3

1) A Resources
2) B Leadership
3) C Efficiency
4) D Strategic Fit
5) C Team
6) D Location
7) C Market Area
8) B Revenue Profitability
9) A Goals of Business
10) C Profitability

BUS325 TMA 3

1) C probation
2) C Placement
3) A Security
4) A Managers
5) B Knowledge
6) B Occupational
7) B Information
8) B Policy
9) C Strength
10) A Placement (Determination of the Job)

MKT309 TMA 3

1) C Weakness
2) C Events
3) A Public Relations
4) D Monitoring
5) D Social Worker
6) B Legal Drinking Age
7) B Not be used often
8) C Media Management
9) B Customising
10) A Giveaways


ECO122 TMA3 10/10
1)...... is a document that explicitly described the spending decision of the government Vis-A-Vis the projected revenue and the source
2)..... theory states that a country should specialize in the production of the commodity or service in which it has lower opportunity cost....
*comparative advantage
3)........ is the difference btw total government expenditure that is taxes minus government expenditure
*budget balance
4)...... was the proponent of the theory of comparative advantage
* David Ricardo
5...... is when expenditure is greater than revenue
*deficit budget
6).... defined as the good and service in which a country is more efficient or can produce the same amount with other country using fewer resources
*theory of Absolute advantage
7)------is when the rerevenu to be generated is forecasted to be greater than expenditure
T*surplus budget
8)------are known as running cost which the government undertakes in its day-to-day activities
*Recurrent expenditure
9)-------are receipts of monies from fines taxes fees etc by the government
*Recurrent revenue
10)-----is needed to perform some allocative function just as the price mechanism performs in the private sector

CSS 111 tma 3 10/10
1. Authority (is the legitimate......)
2. Comte (father of sociology)
3. Family (first knowlegde....)
4. Not written
5. 2 (basic type of marriage)
6. Lombroso
7. Primary deviance
8. Nuclear family
9. Second
10. 3 (source of .......)

Bus 207
1, received
2, misunderstanding
3, hierarchical
4, Interpersonal
5, theorists
6, developed
7, message
8, receiver
9, people
10, speaking

ECO 121 TMA 3 10/10

1. ------- is the degree of responsiveness of demand to a change in consumer's income
• cross elasticity
• income elasticity of demand (B)
• income elastic
• price elastic

2. Change in demand is also known as --------
• change in quantity demanded
• change in demand
• shift in demand curve (C )
• movement of demand

3. Movement along demand curve is also known as ---------
• change in quantity demanded (A)
• change in demand
• shift in demand curve
• movement of demand

4. Degree of responsiveness of demand to change in commodity own price is ---
a. elasticity of demand
b. demand elastic
c. price elasticity of demand (C)
d. price elasticity

5. Goods and services usually referred to as ----------.
• commodities (A)
• articles
• materials
• wares

6. Macroeconomics deals with:
a. the activities of individuals units
b. the behaviour of firms
c. economic agents.
d. economic aggregates. (D)

7. The following are determinants of demand elasticity except ------
• time
• proportion of income spent on the commodity
• number of uses the product could be put
• technology (D)

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Please some one should help me phy192 and esm102


Question: Forms the highest layer of the atmosphere

Answer: D mesophere

Question: Is the harbinger of organisms

Answer: B Environment

Question: Quaternary indicates

Answer: A annual era

Question: Classification of the atmosphere is into

Answer: B two

Question: Delta region contain

Answer: D alluvial soils

Question: Coastal vegetation is mainly found in

Answer: A mangrove forest

Question: Holocene era indicates

Answer: D 10000 years

Question: Biotic factors include

Answer: D organisms

Question: Percentage of hydrological cycle of solar radiation is

Answer: C 0.72

Question: Continental shelf is Kilometer in width

Answer: D 20 25km

​Question: the decision of the judge is the

Answer: ratio decidendi

Question: The case of Paul Odi Anor V Gbaniyi Osafile Anor confirms that

Answer: The supreme court is not final because it is infallible

Question: which of these is was not a problem of common law

Answer: general aplication

Question: who were first appointed as Lord chancellors

Answer: priest

Question: One of the following is not another word for treaty

Answer: None of the options

Question: Under Common Law what happened if there was an error in procedure

Answer: The whole process was repeated
Question: the supervisory roles of superior courts is usually performed by

Answer: state high court

Question: According to Seneca rent the first happy society

Answer: Avarice

Question: Which of the following doctrines was not developed by equity

Answer: Procurement

Question: The of rules refers to the belief in the eficacy of the law before enforcement

Answer: Internal aspect

Question: The type of approach where the Judge first considers the ordinary meaning of the statutory word or expression in the general context of the Statute before proceeding to consider other rules is

Answer: unified

Question: a lower court cannot refuse to follow the decision of a superior court unless

Answer: all of the above

Question: in a military regime the supreme military council promulgates

Answer: decrees

Question: All but one is not a form of statute

Answer: Regulation

Question: The aim of the Bill of Rights was the constitutional safeguard against

Answer: maintenance of the Army and Air Force

Question: After General Pako took over power in 1972 he dismissed Justice Locus the then Chief Justice of the Federation without regard to the Constitution Advise Justice Locus in the light of Decree No 5 of 1972

Answer: Decree No 5 of 1972 gives the Head of State power to appoint and dismiss the CJ

Question: a convention is

Answer: an accepted use of practice which later becomes binding

Question: which of these is not a delegated legislation

Answer: court judgements

Question: which of these is a private law report

Answer: Nigerian Weekly Law Report

Question: in the case of Beeke v Smith rule of interpretation was applied

Answer: golden

Question: The rule that the meaning of doubtful words must be ascertained by reference to the meaning of words associated with it is known as

Answer: Noscitur a sociis

Question: the application of the mischief rule was laid down in

Answer: Heydons case

Question: lex aecterna can be interpreted to be

Answer: the law of reason

Question: Due process of law is an example of

Answer: Natural Law

Question: According to law is a means of meeting desirable social ends

Answer: Realist law

Question: Translate the aphorism lex et consuetude angliae

Answer: Law and Custom of England

Question: the decision of the judge is the

Answer: A: ratio decidendi

Question: The of rules refers to the belief in the eficacy of the law before enforcement

Answer: B: Internal aspect

Question: Due process of law is an example of

Answer: B: Natural Law

Question: According to Seneca EEEEEEE rent the first happy society

Answer: C: Avarice

Question: The EEE of rules refers to the belief in the eficacy of the law before enforcement

Answer: B: Internal aspect

Question: According to Bright V Hutton why do the courts follow the doctrine of precedent

Answer: To preserve respect for the law

Question: The of rules refers to the belief in the eficacy of the law before enforcement

Answer: Internal aspect

Question: is an abrupt change not within the contemplation of the constitution

Answer: revolution

Question: which of these is untrue about the nature of decrees

Answer: the replace the entire constitution

Question: which of these is not a defect of the literal rule

Answer: Possibility of enforcing outdated and repealed law despite the

Question: the approach of the courts to the problem of interpretation of statutory words are all but one of the following approaches

Answer: definitional

Question: In Attorney General v Brown the rule was applied

Answer: ejusdem generis

Question: Suicide was decriminalised in England in

Answer: 1961

Question: all but one of the following is not a merit of delegated legislation

Answer: it encourages seperation of powers

Question: the court took judicial notice of the idi igi and ori ojiri custom of the yoruba ladn in

Answer: Dawodu v Danmole

Question: another name for authentic approach is

Answer: analytical

Question: The realist idea of law is that the purpose of law is

Answer: A to meet mans social ends

Question: Civil law deals with

Answer: B rules for dealing with rights and duties between individuals

Question: The percentage increase in the prices of five items A B C D and E are respectively 15 35 10 7 and 12 What is the mean percentage change
Answer:B: 9

Question: Given that group of girls and boys exist in equal number and assuming that 5 of the boys are colour blind and that 10 of the girls are colour blind evaluate the probability that having drawn a colour blind person this is a female
Answer:B: 06666

Question: Of 12 accounts held in a file four contain a procedural error in posting account balances If an auditor samples three accounts randomly what is the probability that at least one will contain the error
Answer:A: 075

Question: Two cards are drawn from a deck of 52 cards Find the probabilities of the event that the first card is a king and the second a figure
Answer:A: 00165

Question: The mean and the median wages of a group of workers are N350 and N340 respectively what is the modal wage
Answer:B: N320

Question: The number of apples sold on a particular day by a fruit seller are 2 4 7 10 10 10 12 12 14 15 Determine the value at the 30th percentile
Answer:D: 85

Question: During one month the ratio of millet prices to corn was 45 whereas during the next month the ratio was 25 find the arithmetic mean of the ratios of corn to millet for the 2 month period
Answer:C: 03111

Question: A principal of N1000 is invested at an 8 annual rate of interest What will be the accrued interest after 6 years
Answer:A: N58687

Question: The mean median mode and the standard deviation of a set of numbers are 2360 2340 1980 and 650 respectively what is the value of first coefficient of skewness
Answer:B: 05846

Question: Of 300 business students 100 are currently enrolled in economics and 80 are currently enrolled in business statistics These enrollment figures include 30 students who are in fact enrolled in both courses What is the probability that a randomly chosen student will be enrolled in either economics E or business statistics B
Answer:C: 05

Question: Suppose that 40 percent of the employees in a large firm are in favor of union representation and a random sample of 10 employees are contacted and asked for an anonymous response What is the probability that fewer than half of the respondents will be in favor of union representation
Answer:C: 0633

Question: The number of apples sold on a particular day by a fruit seller are 2 4 7 10 10 10 12 12 14 15 Determine the value at the first quartile
Answer:B: 7

Question: How many four digit numbers can be formed with the 10 digits 0129 if the last digit must be zero and repetitions are not allowed
Answer:B: 504

Question: Suppose that three cards are chosen randomly from a playing deck of 52card s but that after each selection the card is replaced and the deck is shuffled before the next selection of a card What is the probability that all three cards are aces
Answer:D: 00005

Question: In how many ways can 14 objects be split into 3 groups consisting of 2 5 and 7 objects respectively
Answer:B: 72072

Question: For what value of m is m1P3 mP4
Answer:C: 5

Question: If 10 of the bolts produced by a machine are defective what is the probability that out of 5 bolts chosen at random at least 2 will be defective
Answer:B: 008866

Question: If X Pok a poisson random variable with parameter k then which of the following is false mean equal 2k
Answer:D: 2k is the mean

Question: Young ladies have normally distributed weights with mean equal to 70gm and standard deviation equal to 3gm what percent are between 68 and 73gm
Answer:C: 05889

Question: An insurance company is considering the addition of major medical coverage for a relatively rare ailment The probability that a randomly selected individual will have the ailment is 0001 and 3000 individuals are included in the group that is insured What is the probability that no one in this group of 3000 people will have this ailment
Answer:D: 00498

Question: There is a 90 percent chance that a particular type of component will perform adequately under high temperature conditions If the device involved has four such components determine the probability that the device is inoperative because exactly one of the four components fails
Answer:A: 02916

Question: Find the probability that during one particular minute there will be 4 or fewer phone calls if between the hours 10 and 12noon the average number of phone calls coming into the company is 25
Answer:B: 08911

Question: Find the value of v if vC3 35
Answer:D: 7

Question: Of 100 individuals who applied for database administrator positions with a large firm during the past year 40 had some prior work experience W and 30 had a professional certificate C However 20 of the applicants had both work experience and a certificate and thus are included in both of the counts What is the probability that a random chosen applicant had either work experience or a certificate but not both
Answer:B: 03

Question: The probability of getting an answer to question is 06 what is the probability of a student getting 3 out of 5 questions
Answer:C: 03456

Question: If a man purchases world cup raffle ticket he can win a first prize of N60000 or a second prize of N35000 with probabilities 00005 and 00003 what is a fair price to pay for the ticket
Answer:A: N4050

Question: The average expenditure per week of four items A B C D are N20 N30 N30 and N50 respectively if the percentage increase in the prices of the items are 10 6 8 and 20 What is the mean percentage change by weighing the percent increase for each item by the average amount per week spent on that item
Answer:B: 6

Question: The number of apples sold on a particular day by a fruit seller are 2 4 7 10 10 10 12 12 14 15 Determine the value at the second decile
Answer:B: 55

Question: if the probability of any page in a financial book containing an error is 0005 what is the probability that at most three pages of its 400 page book are with errors
Answer:C: 0857

Question: The probability distribution function of weekly share sales X was fxleftbeginmatrixfrac321 x2 0leq xleq 1 0 otherwise endmatrixright what is the expected value of X
Answer:D: 38

Question: Hypergeometric distribution has parameters

Question: There are 6 pupils and 4 cats In how many can they be seated in a row so that no cats sit together
Answer:6 6 6 6

Question: A researcher is interested in the travel time of Utrecht University students to college A group of 50 students is interviewed Their mean travel time in 167 minutes For this study the mean of 167 minutes is an example of an

Question: The mean of 10 observations is 10 All the observations are increased by 10 The mean of increased observations will be

Question: The probability of success changes from trial to trial in
Answer:Binomial Distribution

Question: In a survey of companies it was found that 45 were in the mining sector 72 were in the financial sector 32 were in the IT sector and 110 were in the production sector What is the likelihood that a randomly selected company is either a mining company or an IT company

Question: In a survey of companies it was found that 45 were in the mining sector 72 were in the financial sector 32 were in the IT sector and 110 were in the production sector If a company is selected at random what is the probability that this company is not in the production sector

Question: Which of the following statements is always correct
Answer:Mean Median Mode

Question: If A and B are mutually exclusive events with PA 03 and PB 05 then P Acap B

Question: If A and B are mutually exclusive events with PA 03 and PB 05 then PAcup B

Question: In a survey of companies it was found that 45 were in the mining sector 72 were in the financial sector 32 were in the IT sector and 110 were in the production sector What is the likelihood that a randomly selected company is either a mining company o
Answer:D: 0297

Question: In a survey of companies it was found that 45 were in the mining sector 72 were in the financial sector 32 were in the IT sector and 110 were in the production sector If a company is selected at random what is the probability that this company is not
Answer:D: 0575

Question: Consumer products are those products bought by consumers for personnal consumption
Answer:D: current

Question: Consider probability distribution as standard normal if value of is 75 value of x is 120 with unknown standard deviation of distribution then value of z statistic
Answer:will be positive

Question: Suppose that a histogram of a data set is approximately symmetric and

Question: The number of clients that enter a given store each hour follows a Poisson distribution with mean 325 We assume independence between the dierent hours The probability that in a given hour exactly 5 clients enter the store is

Question: In binomial distribution formula of calculating standard deviation is
Answer:square root of npq

Question: If value of x for normal distribution is 35 mean of normal distribution is 65 and standard deviation is 25 then standardized random variable is
Answer: 12

Question: If quartile range is 24 then quartile deviation is

Question: In a given sports activity the annual rate of accidents is of about 4 per thousand people An insurance company has 3000 insured clients that practice such sports activity A good approximation of the number of accident compensations the insurance company will have to pay in a given year is given by the distribution
Answer:poisson 12

Question: Data based on workers salary is given as 2500 2700 2600 2800 2200 2100 2000 2900 3000 2800 2200 2500 2700 2800 2600 and number of classes desired is 10 then width of class interval is

Question: if nextrmC12nextrmC6 the value of n is

Question: If a value represents the 95th percentile this means
Answer:95 of all values are below this point

Question: if ntextrmC12ntextrmC6 the value of n is