Obesity: Causes and preventions

What is obesity: Obesity is a medical condition that involves the body accumulation of excessive fat that paves a way for other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
Usually, Obesity is preventable by having a healthier diet, engaging in physical exercise and reducing the intake of alcohol.

What causes Obesity:
Obesity occurs when you burn less calories than you take in your daily routine/activities. The body stores excess calories as fat thereby increasing the body's mass. Also, consuming calorie rich foods and beverages often from fast food can make one prone to this disease. People with obesity tend to eat more food and beverages high in calorie. Burning more calories during physical activities helps prevent obesity and other health complications as well.

How to prevent Obesity:
To prevent obesity, you should do the following:

1. Eat a healthy diet

2. Avoid high calorie contents and beverages.

3. Eat more of fruits and vegetables.

4. Don't rely too much on junks and fast food products.

5. Avoid too much intake of alcohol.

6. Always take a routine exercise to burn off fat and calories.

To wrap things up: Obesity is very dangerous, it makes one prone to other health issues and complications. Try as much as possible to avoid it. Make time preferably 2 hours a day to engage in physical exercise, learn to eat low calorie food and low sugar contents, also try to keep your alcohol levels down, this will help in preventing ecessive fats from accumulating in the body.
Obesity, or being severely overweight, is a serious health problem that affects many people. It's linked to high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

But what causes obesity? And how can you prevent it?

Causes of obesity
The main cause of obesity is simply eating too much and moving too little. If you consume high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, but do not burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity, much of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat.

Dietary habits established in childhood often carry into adulthood, so teaching children how to eat healthy at a young age will help them stay healthy throughout their life.

Obesity results from a combination of causes and contributing factors, including individual factors such as behavior and genetics. Behaviors can include dietary patterns, physical activity, inactivity, medication use, and other exposures. Additional weight gain can result from medications for mental health conditions such as depression.

Genetic factors that might contribute to obesity can include inherited conditions or genetic predisposition to certain medical conditions such as Prader-Willi syndrome or Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Some inherited disorders can lead to obesity and should be ruled out by a doctor if severe obesity develops
I think adding a workout routine would also be a great way to prevent obesity. Once you are able to burn out more than what you take in, obesity would not be an issue for you.
Also fasting can also play a good role to prevent obesity because it will help us to erase or get rid of unwanted waste in our body.

Even according to Islamic scholars said fasting is a health medicine which is going to help humanity from accumulating disease into our body. At list when we fast once in a year will surely give us sounds healthy life.