Passive income Passive Income Ideas for Increasing Your Cash Flow


New member
In my opinion, the quickest way for newbie's to start making money is affiliate marketing. Learn everything you can over a week or two and jump straight in. you can either chose to go down the free path or start buying ads that link to your affiliate links. My second point is, starting a blog in a popular market can lead to long term success if you work consistently on it. There have been case studies made on blogs that have had single people work on them for 2-5 years and by the end of it they are making upwards of 5-10k a month. I remember reading a full case study on a 10 year old blog that was pulling in upwards of $25k p/month.


VIP Contributor
You have not made mistake in all what you highlighted above. They are just cool ways money can be made online without any difficulty. But it takes hardwork, consistency and some little bit of discipline if truly people want to make money online through all these gigs that you explained.