Prompt Refunds to Customers: Impact on Business Reputation.


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As far as we are in business, there are few rare occasions that customers might demand refunds for the products or services they had ordered and paid for due to dissatisfaction. When it is clear that you can't do anything other than refunds, it is better as a business person to make refunds and promptly too. Why?

1) It shows that the focus of that business is customer centric: It would demonstrate to the customer that the business is beyond making profits but are also focused on delivering value and that builds a good reputation for the business.

2) It reduces the possibility of negative online reviews: An unsatisfied customer who gets refunds promptly is less likely to drop negative online reviews than one who finds it hard to get refunds. They can easily call out the business. It won't be a good thing for the reputation of your business to go viral and trend for a negative review.
You are right! Especially while dealing with online purchases, most are guilty of this, you get a product which are not of good quality like the samples displayed or sometimes you even get a damaged product and they are not willing to have a refund or change of products in cases like this, living the consumer to best the risks alone, this is part of the reasons I don't really trust buying things online. However, store owners should try to put measures in place to ensure that buyers don't exploit them for nothing.
It is proper for a business to have a sound refund policy and be sincere enough to stick with it. That being said, a business should have the need for refunds as less frequent as possible. That's to say they must be meticulous and transparent. But when it is inevitable, don't let the customer stress to get the refunds. It is easy. Tell the customer the specific time it would take for the business to effect the refunds and ensure it is done within that timeframe.