Random Career Tips


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I don't know about you, but I'd rather be a job than a wage slave. The thing is, we live in a society that rewards people for being good at their jobs. And if you're not good at your job, you end up being paid less because it's assumed that someone else could do the job better and cheaper.

Here are some tips:

1) Do the work on time. If you have to work longer hours or more weekends to make up for mistakes made by others, then that's what happens. It's better to take the hit now than later when you're trying to hang on to your job and pay your bills.

2) Be creative and innovative. You don't have to reinvent the wheel; just figure out ways to solve problems that other people aren't able to solve yet (or never will).

3) Look for opportunities where others don't see them anymore: think smaller! Smaller companies offer more opportunities because they have fewer expenses and lower overhead costs than big companies do; they also tend to be more flexible because they don't have all those long-term commitments with suppliers and