Reduce the intake of salt and sugar

Research has shown that excess in take of salt can result in high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of having heart disease and stroke.
Most people get their sodium from salt reduce your salt intake to 5g which is one tea spoon. It is easier to do this by limiting the amount of salt,sou sauce,fish sauce, and other high-sodium related condiments. And also avoid eaten salty snacks, ND stay away from sodium filled foods.
On the other hand sugar cause tooth decay, diabetes, and in healthy weight gain. In both adults and children consume about 50g of sugar which is about twelve teaspoons of sugar WHO(world health organization) has recommended to take less than 5g of sugar. Also stay away from sugar filled snacks
Yes, the body needs everything in it's right proportion that's just the truth. These two are not bad for the body but the excess consumption of it is the culprit here. The body needs both sugar and salt to function but it must be taken in a portion that is healthy for the money.
Too much of sodium in the body elevate the blood pressure of the body which is really harmful and can cause even desth to the body when one become hypertensive, so it is better to watch it's consumption same with sugar level in the body which can make one become diabetic. Taking maybe half teaspoon of each daily is enough
People over 40 years of age should always be conscious on the type of food they are eating because during this stage it is possible that some food you were eating at your adolescence age of your life and may not agree with you again ,sometimes reducing the intake of salt can also reduce the risk of developing heart disease or high blood pressure.
We should reduce the intake of salt and sugar so as to reduce the risk of developing diseases like heart disease, kidney problem, cancer, diabetes and other diseases as well too much of it doesn't add any benefit to our health it only endangers the health but that doesn't mean we can't use salt and sugar but we should minimize it
Especially adults reduce the intake of salt because they cause high blood pressure.they are not healthy for both adults and children but it's worse when adults eat too much salt.also consume less sugar because when you Consume it too much it causes diabetes which is bad for the health and body
reducing the intake of salt and sugar in our diet is very important because it causes a lot of health problems nowadays like diabetes, heart problem and kidney problem
we need to reduce how we consume sugar and salt in our diet because when you consume a lot of the it or excess of it it damages the organs of that person
Is causes diabetes and heart problem and it also causes a lot of health problems so avoid the intake of excess salt and sugar