Should I repost my blog posts on social media?


VIP Contributor
Reposting your blog posts can be a great way to grow your audience, but it's important to think about how you're going about it.

Reposting a blog post on social media is often done as an experiment, and the results may not be what you expect. For example, if you're posting a new blog post to Facebook and Twitter, it may not go as well as you hoped but that's okay! The important thing is to keep trying.

The same goes for reposting blog posts on Instagram or Snapchat. It's also important to remember that reposting isn't just about growing your audience. it can also help you learn more about how to write better content in the future but I also think that you should do so strategically.

First, make sure you're posting the right thing! You probably want to post original content, but if there's something similar already out there that you could repost, go ahead and do that instead.

Second, try to find a niche in your audience and make sure they know about it by posting relevant information about your own life or work experiences. This can help with engagement because people will feel like they're getting more value out of your posts than they would if they just saw an unrelated link!

Third, remember that Facebook is a good place for sharing pictures and videos not text-based content! So try to choose those types of images or videos when possible. And remember: don't overdo it! If you're getting lots of likes and comments on social media but no new followers/followers don't come through then maybe consider taking a break from posting until you have something new to share.