Shares/Stock Should Shareholders Attend the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)?


Staff member
As shareholders means that we are also owners of the company (issuers), therefore shareholders will be invited through announcements in newspapers, email and whatsapp, to vote on company policies and responsibilities.
Terms of Shareholders who are invited to GMS
Each company has different terms and conditions in calling shareholders to attend the GMS. If you are a shareholder, you can ask your bank, broker or shareholder friend. There are companies that require a minimum of 1 lot (100 shares) to be able to attend the GMS, there are also companies that require a minimum of 1% to 5% of the number of shares.
When is the GMS held?
In general, GMS is held for a maximum of 6 (six) months, after the financial year ends.
What is discussed at GMS?
The General Meeting of Shareholders discusses the responsibility of the board of directors and the board of commissioners, evaluates the performance of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, especially to present audited financial statements. Approve/reject the plans and budgets that have been made by the board of directors. company development, determine the allocation of company profits, determine remuneration, appoint and dismiss members of the board of commissioners or directors, choose public accountants etc.
If you are a shareholder and invited to attend the GMS, it would be better if you can attend the meeting. because at the meeting you will know more about the company, future prospects, so you can decide to add or sell shares. Hopefully this thread can be useful for Trendri forum members who hold shares.
Shareholders are important aspects of any business and shouldn't be left out from any activity where critical issues are going to be discussed .

Involving them is very important , because they have investments with they
said organisation and it will not make sense to go about a meeting as important as this without getting to involve them at all .

Things like this can usually lead to a situation whereby the shareholders will feel bad whenever they realise that certain policies were made which they would ordinarily not agree to it .

To avoid situations like this , it is best to make sure that they are involved in any such meeting whereby critical issues are going to be discussed for the purpose of how the organisation or business is to be operated .

A lot of companies tend to make this mistake , and this usually cause a big issue, especially when they get to realise that new policies were made which they did not sign up to at the course of their agreement when buying shares of that company .

The relevance of involving shareholders in meetings like this can never be overemphasized , and it is very important to put this at the back of the mind of any organisation.