Trading Discussion Should students involve in forex?

The simple truth is that forex trading is a very risky venture and if you are not careful enough, you will lose all your money on it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong for student to get involved in forex trading because it is just like other businesses just like cryptocurrency and the whole lot of others but what is required is proper knowledge and risk management for you to make a lot of profit from it.

Students can even make the most money from forex trading provided they do not bring greed because they can easily understand some certain things than others. Forex trading requires a high level of knowledge and understanding of technical analysis and also fundamental analysis for you to be able to make consistent profit.

One of the main reasons a lot of people lose their money on forex trading is of lack of proper risk management skill. Even if you have proper knowledge of fundamental and technical analysis and you do not have proper knowledge of risk management then you will definitely lose on your money.

Discipline is one of the most important aspect of anyone that really wants to become successful on forex trading and if you do not have that, I don't see you succeeding.
When it comes to trading, it doesn’t really matter whether you are a student or a teacher. All that matters is how well you understand the market and how well you can take advantage of its moves to make money. You will have to learn before taking any steps in the forex market so that you know in which direction to go. If you have the knowledge, you are good to go.
Other than you being 18 years old, there is no such requirement to trade forex. If you are ready to learn, you are ready to trade forex. Start by clearing your basics and then moving to test your strategies.
There is really nothing but instead of making money from forex trading if you are in school, because it is a good way of sustaining themselves and making them to not end up in a depressing situation whereby they will be broke and not be able to afford some of the basic things they will be needing while in school .

There are so many instances where I worked in a lot of people who are engaged in forex trading using the money there and to take care of themselves and pay their way through School. some of them if you help their parents by helping to sort out phones to pay the school fees of the younger ones to simply from the money they're making through forex trading .

There are just so many advantages to a student who is engaged into things like forex trading while in school .

The fact is that, whether or not somebody is making money through forex as a student , it is still possible for them to stay focus in school and study their books as it is expected of them .

A lot of them spendso much time doing certain unproductive activities like watching movies and playing games that will not even add any value to their lives , so if you look at conditions like this it is even better that the channel the same energy into learning a profitable skill like forex trading so they will not end up relying on the government in the future.
The forex market is a very good place to be able to make money. You do not need any kind of formal qualification before you are going to be granted access to the market and you can be able to start trading with it to make money with as little as $10 in a lot of countries. This often provides a very good opportunity for students to be able to learn and also practice things about the financial market .

Even with the whole of that advantages trading of the forex market is something that can become really tiring and time-consuming. You are going to be spending a lot of time into research and as such you might not really have time to focus fully on your education. There is also some kind of emotional imbalance is that you might face whenever you are losing trades and that might also have a very big impact on your concentration as well .

In general students can be able to trade forex but then they should do it in a way that it is not going to impact their education and whenever they see that they are losing too much they should take a break completely.
There is no law that prohibits students from learning forex and trading it. If a student is living with parents, then he/she can trade forex under their supervision. There is no problem until parents know how much money is being traded by their children.
There are many benefits of learning about trading/investing earlier. It helps to understand money and the power of investing. So it’s also good to have some exposure. But trading is a risky task since there are high levels of risks associated with it. Students should seek proper guidance first, and if they want to trade, they should do so under the guidance of adults and trade with their own savings.
I do not see anything wrong with student forex , in most cases if a student is really interested to trade forex and make it as the only source of income that will really distract the students from concentrating in their academic because trading of Forex carries a lot of risks and emotional stress , in most cases it is something that should only be done when you do not have any other thing to do or when you really have enough free time to focus .

As I understand , trading of volatile market may not really be something you have to merge it with any other thing but it's something that will need a full attention to be able to trade profitably because if you can't analyse the market as it should be done you are not likely to generate a single profit and you will be losing your money .

Student should only consider to trade forex when they understand they have extra time in their life but if there is no extra time I don't really see the reason why they have to focus on trading because it will definitely affect them and their academic performance .
Forex trading is a risky undertaking that involves financial risks at all levels. For a student, who has limited money, it can come with a lot of stress. And not just that, forex trading may also cause distraction in your studies as you would need to study and get the basic education.
Anyone can study the forex market, whether he/she is a student or not. However, when it comes to whether students should trade, my answer is maybe. Forex trading is risky, and as a student, you might be tight on a budget. Moreover, forex is an unpredictable market and seems tempting. I have seen high school kids quitting schools to become forex traders. And that’s bad. If they want to learn trading and participate, then keep it a side hustle and trade under guidance and with full trading knowledge.
There is no harm in learning trading at an early age. But since starting with forex trading requires a decent trading capital, and one is more likely to lose in the early stages of his trading due to lack of experience, students should be careful how they trade. It is important that they should be made aware of the downside of trading and consider trading as a side hustle.
I’m a student and also a part-time forex trader. If I talk about my experience, since I started trading and investing, I have been learning new things every day and making some decent profits. So yes, it is a good idea for students to be involved. But I had also made some mistakes due to my lack of knowledge. If you are a student and want to begin, I would suggest you do everything very carefully and read about the market as much as you can. And take guidance and help from your parents wherever you need.
Yes you are right, forex trading and education does not go hand in hand with eachother, forex trading need a lot of dedication especially as a newbie that is just getting started in the business.

However, if you are a student and are looking to make money trading currencies, you should have this at the back of your mind that it isn't as easy as it looks or presumed.
I think it would be a great opportunity for students if they want to learn and use trading to acquire certain skills. Also for financial independence students can involve themselves in trading.
When it comes to learning anything new, I think there is no harm in learning forex trading. In fact, it will help students understand finance and trading. However, when it comes to trading, studying should be careful. It’s a risky business and students should trade with full precaution or under some guidance, if at all.
I don’t know how many of you will agree with me but we were better at learning and understanding new things when we were students. As students are more capable of learning new skills, I surely believe that they should try their hands at trading forex.
I don't see anything wrong with this. In fact I will even encourages students to learn about forex or cryptocurrency trading before going into the higher institution because these are the type of online business you can do on your own time.

When you are able to trade the volatile market perfectly , you can set up your required time to trade and make some money for yourself as a student and this will not affect your learning in anyway. Also this is not even a business that you will need to compete with large competitors to make profit , but with just your skill you are just free to do it anytime any day.

Even though this might be a good decision for student , it is important for student to be discipline and understand when to learn and also when to trade and stick to their plan perfectly. You shouldn't be carried away by the profit you are earning .
Whether students should be involved in forex trading or not is a very debatable topic itself.
However, in spite of the many facts that stand against them, I think students should get themselves involved in forex trading.

Firstly, as learning about forex trading requires a lot of time, it is advisable that students do not learn about forex putting their studies at stake. Instead, set up a monthly goal about what you should learn within that time, and proceed gradually.

Second, as a student, you may not have a side source of income. Therefore, you can’t afford putting a large amount on stake.

Third, you must practise in a demo account before jumping onto a live account. A demo account will give you exposure to how the market works, and help you realise any basics about forex trading that you might not have learnt before.
If students trade, it is alright, given that he approaches forex without false beliefs in mind. As students are mostly the ones who want money and want to live joyously, they find means to earn extra income, forex being one of them.
There’s nothing wrong with earning money with forex trading, but what’s wrong is the approach with which these young people or students approach forex.
So, they should first learn the nitty-gritty, skills, and practice on a demo account. They can then start to trade.
The foreign exchange market, or forex, is the largest financial market in the world. It is used to trade currencies between different countries. This market is important for students because it helps them to learn about different economies and how they work.


The forex market is important for students because it can teach them about different economies and how they work. This market is also a good way for students to make money. There are many benefits to participating in the forex market.


1. Students can learn about different economies.

2. The forex market is a good way for students to make money.

3. Students can gain experience in trading.

4. The forex market is a good way to diversify a portfolio.

The forex market is a great way for students to learn about different economies and how they work. There are also many benefits to participating in the market, such as gaining experience in trading and the potential to make money.

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