Steps to start a Snail Farming Business


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How to Start Snail Business, Snail farming business in african continent is one of the best interesting business opportunities.

If you are looking for a small business that you can get started with only a small amount of money, then you definitely should begin looking into Snail farming. Did you know you can even export snail both in large and small-scale?

West Africa houses the best types of land snail on earth. The large Africa land snail, is known to grow up to 30cm long and is found in the heavy tropical rain forests throughout the region from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana.
  • Setup a small business plan for your snail business.
  • Decide your cost or capital.
  • Pick a fertile land suitable for farming.
  • Housing and Using of intensive method.
  • Pick the best breed and stocking.
  • Give food to your snail properly.
  • Healthy and balanced management.
For years and years, Africa’s appetite for snails have been offered by traditional means. Snails handpicked in the bush (typically within the night) happen to be the best method to get snails into the market and dinning table.
Some even prefer snail than meat, i really love eating snail, especially the fat snails, that is known as the mother. If i get those ones up to ten and prepare meal with it, its simply delicious, cos the snail gives meals unique taste and makes one grow appetite to eat the meal. Selling snail in a wholesale way gets you the money in abundance, people love it and are willing to buy plenty.
Snail farming is a lucrative business with good profit.
But one can only make good profit if there is experiences in how to feed them and proper care.
With this your analysis and information about how one can start it,it will really help.
Snails feed on dead plants and moods, swampy and crampy environment. You don't have to give them too many special feed unless you want to spend for them such way. An inexperienced man or woman can breed snail and grow them big to become hyper productive in the future. You can even produce the big snails, the mother snail, and sell in bucks when they've reached the level of selling.
The truth is that there are so many underrated businesses in which people can venture into and make a lot of money.
Many people are not seeing these and they end up not making any money.

Snail farming is one of such businesses because of the huge potentials it has and also it can contribute a lot to the economic development of a country if taken seriously.

There are many countries that solely depends on agriculture and snail farming is one of the branches of agriculture that can fetch a lot of money for a country. If you want to venture into this kind of business, there are some certain things you must know and put in place if you really want to become successful. First of all it is important you have the capital even though it doesn't cost a lot for you to start it because of snails generally do not feel a lot.

Another thing you need to consider is location because without good location there is no way you can be able to make profit. I know someone who is into small business and makes a lot of money from it. the market is so huge that there is almost no competition in the business.
I personally love snails business according to one of my uncle that engage to this lucrative business which elevate him from grass root to where its today. But his only him know the kind of secret that implemented then.

I personally used to scared to engage myself in any kind of business that I didn't know much about it. But but I believe with your analysis this business this business will surely profitable if someone can follow the guard line.