Saving Money Sweating the Savings: Scoring Affordable Gym Access


Staying active and fit often comes with costly gym fees. But a membership doesn’t have to drain your wallet to still see results. With insider tips and proactive planning, you can workout regularly at an athletic club or fitness center at budget rates.

Look Into City Recreation Centers
Municipal fitness facilities offer resident rates substantially below private gyms. Larger cities operate a recreation center network with exercising options from weights and courts to pools and classes. Facilities may differ, but discounted permits allow access to all with potential savings up to 50%.

Investigate Corporate Partnerships
Some companies subsidize employees’ gym memberships or offer reduced corporate sponsor rates. If your workplace has such a wellness program, take full advantage of incentives and payroll deductions to cut costs. If membership isn’t covered, still inquire on deals available through any business partnerships.

Go Off-Peak
Standard memberships allow access during all open hours. But if your schedule permits consistent workouts during typical working hours, look into discount memberships locking you into certain times such as weekdays before 5 pm. Restricting when you can enter saves up to 30%.

Pay Upfront
Almost all gyms provide a break on fees when you pay for 12 months or longer upfront. This lets them lock in your business, while saving you 10-20% over paying monthly with the added benefit of not worrying about payments for a year. If cost prohibits paying a full year, consider quarterly installments.

With some smart strategizing during the sign-up process, breaking a sweat at the gym won’t necessarily cause your bank account to sweat. These tips allow you to continue bettering your body without overextending your budget.