Is sweating good for body health?


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Sweating is a natural function which occurs when you do excercise or you have a fever it makes your whole body healthy and fit in inside and outside because it maintains your body temperature be release the water from your body surface and from your face skin through releasing it removes the heavy metals like PCBs from your body which are harmful for your body .Sweating makes your skin glowing and glistening and also the most important thing it maintain your blood circulation in your body because when you do excercise then the blood circulation throughout your body and the nutrients and vitamins are distributed throughout your blood which helps your skin to glow outside and also from inside sweating also strengthen your brain and also very good for older people to do daily excercise so that their body releases sweat that give them physical as well as brain strength and the most important thing that you do after work out is that wash your face within 15 minutes because sweat contains salt that cause dehydration and also cause irritations on your skin which is not good for your skin because it cause rashness on your body so we should wash your face within 15 minutes