Body Mass index- How to Calculate and Safe Limits.


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In a situation where people mistake fat deposits as good health, it becomes imperative for people to understand the importance of Body Mass Index in relation to their health.

Body Mass Index is a metric that shows the relationship between your weight and your height. Simply put, it determines if your your height can carry the mass of your weight. For some people, their weight is too much or too small for their height and it poses health challenges either ways. Let's get deeper.

How to calculate your Body Mass Index:
1. Measure your height in meters.

2. Measure your weight in Kg.

3. Divide your weight (Kg) and your height (metres square) to determine your Body Mass Index.

If your Body Mass Index is:

Less than 18.5, you are underweight and you are liable to health conditions like fatigue and general weakness which can lead to low productivity.

18.5 to 24.9- Optimum and healthy weight.

25 to 29.9- Overweight and at risk to health conditions like cardiac arrest and diabetes.

30- Obesity and would surely be a victim of these health conditions.

Proper exercising, lifestyle and dieting can be used to keep your body mass index at optimum.