The Best And Worst Days To Market Online


New member
If you are in a sales position where you are soliciting a product or service, there is some advice that might be helpful when speaking to other businesses. There are times during a year that are good times and other times that might not be so good. As I always state in any advice I give, every market is different, so this is more of a generalized theory than anything else.

Rather than get wordy and lengthy in my explanation and reasoning, I’ll give best and worst times:

Best Times for B2B selling:

* The months of January and February. (First of year numbers start over)

* Between the dates of the 10th through 25th of any month except December. (Meat of month less bills)

* Between the 5th and 20th of December. (moves up a bit due to holidays)

* The last week in December. (Some companies like to dump excess funds to escape taxes)

* First of January, April, July & October (Typically first of each quarter for quarterly companies)

Worst Times for B2B selling:

* Any holiday period. (companies may be closed)

* The week leading up to the tax deadlines. (business owners stressed and sometimes facing big bills)

* The last week in December. (This is either hit or miss. While it can be the best, it can also be the worst)

* The end of March, June, September & December. (End of quarter for quarterly companies)

* Weekends. (This one is obvious, but Saturday and Sunday are probably the worst)

Again, these are generalized timeframes for business to business selling. If it’s business to customer, it’s a completely different ballgame because weekends are great for customers, along with holidays. You should always try to sell 365 days a year in some fashion, but put more emphasis towards the prime, or best selling times.

It’s very important to understand and know the best and worst days to market online for success in Digital Marketing
What a nice analysis. In as much as this formular may work, it may not work for some goods and services especially the ones that are mostly needed and demanded for by walk of life. But this formular may work well for some goods and services that are seasonal most time.
This is definitely a very good analysis that you have done here and will be of a great importance to many people. There are definitely some days that does not favour some goods and services and there are also days that favour is it. ability to understand the things will work someone market his products better.
This is actually very good analysis on when and when not a person is supposed to run social media marketing campaigns. As a business owner it is very important to know when your potential clients are in the right frame of mind or have the purchasing power to purchase your product in order to run advertisements for them.

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