The Fate of a retiree and the best actions to be taken


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Retirement comes with a lot of concerns over the fate of the retiree. Many employees getting towards their retirement are usually concerned on the right job to do.

The fact is that people are retired when they are getting old ,and thus won't be able to engage strenuous jobs .

So , in my opinion , one who is retired should seek to engage in jobs that are not strenuous such as , monitoring sales in a shopping mall, online investments , etc.

Despite the fact that the person will be entitled to pension coming from the Institution where he or she worked , it is not ideal for the person to be idle .
What other jobs do you think that it is good for a retiree ?
In our country a retiree has a very small chance of being employed again especially in an office job where the "unwritten" age limit policy is below 40 years old. That is the usual reason why some retirees put up a small business to have an occupation. Being 60 and retired is like taking away the energy of a young person because that age is very young to be just sitting down in front of the tv. Being retired for 4 years now what I am doing is enjoying online work not for a livelihood but for an occupation. At least I have something to do and I am earning no matter how meager.
An employee who definitely knows at what age he would be retiring must not fail to prepare for retirement. Since he would be out of job for good at that age, he should try and set up a business no matter how small two to three years before retirement and get familiar with it. When fully equipped with the knowledge of the business, he could then retire fully and venture into it after retirement. In so doing, he wouldn't be stranded
Most Pension are small token that are barely enough to cater for the needs of the pensioner, some might even have children that may not be financially buoyant enough to assist them, so before retirement it is advisable for a person to start up a business he or she is very knowledgeable about, so that after retirement the business will be his or her source of income.
That is the reason why you don't have to wait till you retiree before you engage in a business, many retirees make this mistake like it is when they retire they start looking for the kind of business they can do, you will see them going into different business company trying to seek for advice. It is best to get a business running as you work in an office because there will be a time for you to retiree the business will serve as the backbone for your retirement.
Everyone knows that at the age of 60, the will retire. During your work tenure, a wise individual should have gathered assets, like building flats or shops to put on rent or any other business. If you were opportune to build a block of flats to put them on rent, that makes you a landlord and you will still have means of earning. A retiree can establish a mini supermarket, just something to keep him/her busy while they earn, those with PhD can take up lecturing jobs in universities, where they can share their knowledge and earn as well. There are alot of things a retiree can actually do, just depends on where they have their interest in.
For a retiree, planning of his retirement business would have been very good for such a retiree because it is at that stage whereby he or she is close to retirement age that is when he can plan a very good business that he can start, his requirement funds known as gratuity.
There are several businesses in which a retiree can start with his gratuity and such businesses will don't have to be stressful because a retiree doesn't need a stressful job or business because every time he has worked all his life it doesn't need any work or business that will stressed him or her again. Some of the businesses that a retiree can go into her provision stores, eateries, Event center business e.t .c
The best advise I would give any career person is to have a pension plan while working so that when you retire, you will be taken care of by your pension money. I hate seeing retirees doing stressful jobs, it pisses me off because I am always concerned about their health. All retirees must have pension plans as this would act as a buffer till they get less stressful jobs or jobs they can do for the fun of it. Please and please if you are a corporate person that is you work in a corporate setting, start planning your retirement plans. The earlier, the better.
It's very bad and unfair what the retirees are facing this days.
A workers who has worked for good 35 years and after then for them to collect their benefit no way for them.
What I think government should do is to make sure that when its about 1years to their retirement age they should start preparing their Money.
The fate of retirees in this nation Nigeria is at stake, only God can deliver them the hands of the wicked people. I wonder how someone will serve his/her fatherland for about 35yearsand the end of the day will have nothing to show for it. There are many retirees who died because they were of unable to get their retirement package. Some o them are living in debt with the hope that one day they will pay their gratuity.
The fate of most retirees is often disastrous because most of them do depend on monthly pension and if it were to fail it would lead to lot of retirees hanging at the edge.The best solution for retirees is they should make investments before they got retire.opening of business by the retiree could be a way to enjoy been retired from civil service.most retired people havent been given pension for about a year I don't know how they expect the retirees to survive