The traits that mark out a good researcher.


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I shall tell you about all these characteristics that define a great researcher one by one and in complete details.

The first characteristic that a good researcher should have is inquisitiveness. intellectual curiosity. A good researcher never stops being inquisitive. He always is in pursuit of exploring new horizons of knowledge and information. The quest to know more and the thirst for it never ceases.

Secondly, he should have excellent analytical ability. It is the ability of the researcher to connect the dots of individually observed phenomenon and put it all together in the form of meaningful conclusions.

A good researcher should be innovative. A good researcher will observe the general principles and the phenomenon with a new and innovative perspective. This eventually forms the basis of new findings, inventions, discoveries and relations.

The fourth characteristic is adaptability. A good researcher is always able to adapt to the new changes and aligns or modifies his thinking and attitudes accordingly. Mastering the art of adaptability helps to determine the success of the researcher in conducting his research work i.e how successful he is as a researcher.

A Good researcher should be focused and have perseverance. It is the ability of the researcher to stay steadfast in achieving research aims and objectives despite pitfalls in form of slow and round starts rejections, revisions and dead ends. The key to success is to stay persistent in doing the research despite various hurdles in achieving it.

Another characteristic is foresightedness a good researcher always starts with a bigger picture in mind. He recognizes the hidden potential and the absolute necessity of doing the research beforehand.