The Truth About Using Egg Whites to Treat Acne Breakouts


If you're looking for a natural way to treat your acne, egg whites may be your new best friend.

Many people have heard that eggs contain sulfur and can help soothe skin irritations, but did you know that they also contain protein? And that protein is what helps to keep your skin healthy? This is why eggs are used in many moisturizers and face masks. the proteins in egg whites are excellent for helping to reduce breakouts and even heal existing blemishes.

Several methods exist for applying egg whites to the skin. First, you can make an overnight mask by applying some leftover raw egg white to your face after washing it. Then, leave it on overnight while you sleep (or until morning). You can also rub the leftovers onto your face with a cotton ball after washing your face in the morning. This will aid in keeping your pores clean and encourage the healing of any imperfections you may already have!.