The world of animals - 4 Facts about animals


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For us to identify animals apart from other creatures like plants,I will be listing some few facts about animal. They are listed below;
1. Animals move
2. Animals eat
3. Animals have babies
4. Animals grow up
Now let's take them one after the other,let's start with the first one, animal moves.
Animals can move in many different ways. They may waddle,swim,swoop,or hop. Some slither while others walk or run. For example, a penguin walks on two legs. A clam has only one foot for digging into mud or sand. Ladybugs work on six legs. Centipedes may have 100 pairs of legs to work on and some millipedes work on more legs than that. Spiders work on eight legs. Snakes and worms slitter around on no legs at all. Bats and most kinds of birds and insects fly and fish swim.
Animals can move around without help. So if you see a living thing moving by itself, it's an animal.
In my next thread, I'm going to talk about the second fact about animals listed above which is animal eat.
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