Tips on how to start a blog or social media page


VIP Contributor
You can't expect to get traffic to your blog or social media page without putting in the work. You need to create content that's relevant to your audience. You also need to share it on the right platforms, at the right time, in order to build a following.

Here are some tips on how to start a blog or social media page:

1. Choose a topic that you're passionate about. It should be something that you know well, or are interested in learning more about. If you're already an expert on this topic, great! If not, don't worry — just keep reading and learning until you know as much as possible about it.

2. Start writing! Write as much as possible about this topic every day so that you don't forget anything important and can keep building up your knowledge base over time. This could be in the form of blog posts (like this one), articles or even just notes on paper or in a notebook that you'll reference later when writing future posts or articles.

3. Share your content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where people who may be interested in reading it will see it first before heading over to your website or blog directly from there instead of having to type out the URL manually each time.