Tools to aid with successful phone repairs business


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When you want to be successful with a technical business like phone repairs they are some very important tools you need to have that will help you with the job. Some of the most needed tools are
Fine Tipped Curved Tweezers
This is needed to help pick and hand tiny components/screws used in cell phone repair. As a result, you get more visibility, access, and control in your repair job.

Screwdriver Kit
This kit is needed for dismantling the phone like unscrewing the pentalobe different screwdrivers of all sizes are needed so a whole kit should be bought.

Plastic Triangle Opening ToolThis is for installing replacement parts safely and easily.

. ProtectionPro Kit

the screen protector to customize for the device that don't have a phone protection on.

Precision Knife Set
The Precision Knife is used for scraping old and dirty adhesive that is inside the device.

Anti-static Brush
phones need to be cleaned properly once you open them. so this tool is good for this task.

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