Top 3 online investment ideas

Imran Noori

Verified member
Investment is one of the best ways to build a passive income stream, making investments will help you to become financially independent but you need to choose investments wisely and do many researches about them, whether it is online or offline.

Nowadays online investments are very popular among people because many early investors made millions of dollars out of them, I will mention 3 of the best online investments here:

Stocks are one of the best investments that people are making, in stock market you can buy shares of big companies like Amazon, Tesla, Google, Facebook and more which made big profits for it's investors.​

Crypto is another big online investment that can return big profits for you, crypto is more risky but it is also very profitable if you invest wisely and choose great coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum.​

NFTs or non fungible tokens is another big industry that made millions of dollars for those investors who invested in it's big projects which had real world usages like BAYC, but it needs alot of researches because 99% of NFTs are worthless, you should find great projects to invest in.​
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