Triggering Past Trauma


Triggering past trauma can be a tricky thing, especially for those of us who have a history of trauma.
But it's crucial to keep in mind that the body makes every effort to repair itself, which occasionally entails going back and dealing with past hurts.That said, there are steps you can take to make sure you don't go over the edge when your body is triggered. Here are some tips:

1) Don't Dwell On The Past!

This is not a time for self-flagellation or self-harm. You might feel like you're drowning in your own pain, but as long as you're safe and non-injurious, there's no reason to stop yourself from moving forward. It may help to talk to someone who has had similar experiences before so they can tell you what worked for them or maybe even just listen while they do their own thing.

2) Be Patient With Yourself!

You might be feeling like things are going too slow or you're getting nowhere fast, but keep reminding yourself that it takes time for healing processes to occur naturally. If you're still having trouble getting through this process, consider seeking help from a professional counselor or therapist who specializes in working with people going through similar experiences.