Unbelievable Non-Traditional Advertising Concepts


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It might be challenging to market your company, concept, passion, or even yourself. Maybe you believe that you have taken all the necessary steps to announce your existence. You have accounts on all of the well-known social networking websites. You have joined local networking groups, business chambers in the region, and you have even managed to take time off from your regular "work" day to attend those monthly social events at neighborhood bars, only to encounter the same faces and networkers who are all telling the same tales. You have been working tirelessly on this task of spinning a wheel for what feels like 1800 lunch meetings, but you have received little in return. In addition, your waistline has grown due to the network lunch buffets.

The delectable bun, the juicy pickle, and the special sauce must be added, and it must be served in a stunning but effective manner—possibly on a sizable platter covered in gold. In other words, there are moments when you simply have to knock their corporate socks off. This is a fantastic illustration of how the shock technique actually helped a trucking company owner sell five trucks.

The company owner had attempted to close a contract with this specific North New Jersey company—not the simplest group of business owners to deal with. Five trucks were available for potential sale.
There was no email alert. There was no call made in advance. Just like that. The five gleaming trucks performed a risky maneuver with their five ebullient drivers. The trucking firm owner's brilliant concept stunned not only the truck buyers but also his rivals and caused a stir in the industry. He shocked his way to a large sale and a smoother path along the way!

Attempt something unexpected!


New member
The fastest and most accurate way to advertise is to do paid advertising. There are many ad networks, ad formats and optimization tools to get you the results that you want. Just know your target audience and put yourself out there.