Using multiple ad networks to monetize a website


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I have noticed that most webmasters having websites with a large number of visitors are using only one ad network, Google adsense to monetize their website. There are a large number of other ad networks available for webmasters with a higher number of daily visitors. So what is the reason most webmasters are using only one ad network. Is it because the webmaster is
  • not aware of the other ad network
  • worried that his adsense account will get disabled
  • making enough money from google adsense and does not want to try other ad networks
In 2021, CPM rates are often higher than CPC rates for many websites. If you own one or more website and are only using Google Adsense, please share your opinion
Using a lot of ads and different ad network does not guarantee a lot of earnings. I use adsense and I barely make $10 per month. However, I make money from you website in other ways, such as sponsored posts, selling digital downloads, reviews, ad sales, and also affiliate marketing. .
Can you share how you make money from sponsored posts and reviews? Do you directly contact the businesses with your offers for reviews, sponsored posts, or do you use an ad network? How many visitors do you have for your website and from which country? I only get some orders through ad networks, I do not get any direct orders.
I believe that a lot of website owners normally stick to just one advertisement network because they do not want to take so much of their time managing them. Having countless advertisement networks does not automatically guarantee that you are going to make so much money instead the most important thing is actually making people to visit your site.
I have used as many as 6 different ad networks on my site. I have used adsense, infolinks,, bitcoadz, adhitz and a-ads. I have tried using all of these ad networks at the same time. However, I dropped low paying ad networks. Currently, I am using adsense, infolinks and a-ads.
Mika can you share how many visitors you have for your website at present, how many page views? I have used adsense, have not received infolinks payment for years. For a-ads, what are the payment options available, how much are you making monthly and is it easy to get website approval for a low traffic website?