Waist pains


VIP Contributor
Generally the human body is complicated and might really be difficult to understand everything that is happening within the body system , sometimes we might be infected with a disease but in one way or the other there is always a cure , The treatment are always administered by a trusted medical personnel or sometimes it goes on its own without taking drugs.

Waist pains is a discomfort that a some people felt around the waist region , the two main causes of waist pains are as follows:

1) OSTEOPOROSIS : Osteoporosis can be defined as a condition in which the bones of the body lose its strength and as a result they are extremely fragile, sometimes the main causes of osteoporosis can be as a result of lack of calcium and hormonal imbalance, people suffering from this disease can be treated with direct administration of the required chemical needed in the body. It can affect the waist region

2) ARTHRITIS: arthritis is a serious and abnormal inflammation of the joint in some or all parts of the body, it is a serious disease that may need an immediate medical intervention as it can be more painful if immediate treatment is not accessible.

Arthritis can affect the waist joint which can also lead to waist pain, When doctors diagnose you have arthritis you may likely be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and others.