Water is very important for our wellbeing


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Water is an essential component of the human body. 60% of our body is made up of water 75% if our brain is also made up I water and it functions with the help of it, other parts of our body are also gaining strength and stability from water; the bones have 25% if water, the muscles 75% if water and our blood is 85% of water. Dehydration is very dangerous to our function of our brain and body, hence the ability to think fast and accurate and act fit has most of it's source from the function of water in the human body.
Lack of water in the body can lead to a whole lot of ailments, can disfigure and cause a lot of damages physically as well.
Memory loss is one effect: that's forgetfulness, forgetting things easily.
Same as heart disease, high blood pressure, ashma, kidney stones, body pain and even headache.

Nevertheless do not drink water 3-4 hours before bedtime because it can lead to heartburn. Yeah.
Water is an essential component of the human body. 60% of our body is made up of water 75% if our brain is also made up I water and it functions with the help of it, other parts of our body are also gaining strength and stability from water; the bones have 25% if water, the muscles 75% if water and our blood is 85% of water. Dehydration is very dangerous to our function of our brain and body, hence the ability to think fast and accurate and act fit has most of it's source from the function of water in the human body.
Lack of water in the body can lead to a whole lot of ailments, can disfigure and cause a lot of damages physically as well.
Memory loss is one effect: that's forgetfulness, forgetting things easily.
Same as heart disease, high blood pressure, ashma, kidney stones, body pain and even headache.

Nevertheless do not drink water 3-4 hours before bedtime because it can lead to heartburn. Yeah.
Hi. Thank you very much for your informative thread about water. I fully agree with everything you mention in your post. It is true that water is so important for us. We cannot survive without water. It is significant to drink a lot of water every day so as to stay healthy and energetic. Hope that everyone has access to fresh and clean water because water is a gift of nature to every single person on this planet. Thanks again for taking the time to inform us about the importance of drinking water.
There is a popular saying that water is life . This saying is actually true , Because water is 75% responsible for almost everything that goes on in our body ranging from the beating of our hearts , and from the growing of our hair and skin down to the functionality of our organs and internal systems . water is very soluble in nature and it is a good remedy to eat the digestion process of food breakdown in our body for easy excretion and waste removal . human beings also cannot survive without the act of drinking water . Because water makes up 75% of our body so it is important we drink water to stay alive and to survive . Water is also used to cook our meals to make it look better and taste better .

Consider this scenario , two persons were asked to cross over a desert the other had a food Parkage while the other has a water Parkage . from your own mind and perspective which of these two persons will likely cross over the desert safely and alive . there is no doubt to the fact that the one with a water package would be able to cross the water safely and alive because water is life .
Drinking water is essential to your health
While it's true that water can keep you hydrated, this isn't even its most important benefit. Many people don't realize that drinking a lot of water can improve your focus and concentration, which in turn gives you more energy and can lower your stress levels.

The body needs water to function correctly. Water makes up more than half of your body weight and is a major component of every cell in your body.

Water helps keep your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, gets rid of wastes through urination, sweating, and bowel movements, and helps prevent constipation.

You lose water through breathing, sweating, urination, and even when you cry. Some people lose more water than others because of their environment (e.g., living or working in a hot climate), their physical condition (e.g., fever or vomiting), and their lifestyle (e.g., heavy exercise).

You need to drink enough water to make up for the fluid lost each day. If you don't drink enough water throughout the day, you can become dehydrated.

If you have kidney disease or diabetes or are older than 60 years old, talk with your doctor before increasing the amount of water you drink regularly. Your doctor can recommend how much fluid you need each day based on your health history and lifestyle habits.
In addition to all that has been mentioned by different individuals, you all have a some good points on how important water is to human , and I could not agree more, Water is the source of life and one of the essential nutrients for the human body. Hunan body needs water to survive more than anything else. You can do without food for a days, week, or even more, but if you fail to drink water for just like three days, your heath will be are in danger. We all know that water is life, it is very important for our growth and development.

One of the the key to longevity and sounds health is drinking enough water. Water is life as well know not drinking water is like playing with danger which is dangerous for human health. In fact human body is made up of 80 percent water.

Listed below are some of the reasons why drinking water is very essential to human body;

1. Drinking enough of water can prevent dehydration

2. Drinking water can protect your body against damage or diseases

2. Drinking enough water can help in aiding weight loss

3. Water due to their natural content can helps to prevent and relieving of headache.

Thus, always drink water!