What are the foods that can cause acid reflux?


VIP Contributor
I have acid reflux and I am posting this thread based on my experience. The first on my list are acidic food like citrus which lemon is the number 1 enemy. However, you can still take lemon (particularly lemonade) with something to eat so the sour taste is diluted by the food. Chili and other spices are not recommended for dinner. Most of all, don’t drink coffee without food.

What I usually do to combat the acid in my stomach is to eat snacks whenever I feel slightly hungry. A cracker or 2 or perhaps a banana with a piece of bread with peanut butter. Those are my usual snacks. I am not fond of chips particularly the cheesy chips that are salty. The trick is not going hungry. The acid is always deadened by food.

Putta Vince

Active member
For me , certain fast food which are too much spicy cause avid refux for almost the entire day. Though I stay away from fast food , I can't stay away from it due to the friend circle I have got. Lemon juice may cause acidity as well but not for high extent though as caused by fast and junk food.


VIP Contributor
Any food which acidic would trigger acid reflux. I don't have the ailment but I know friend who live with it. Like you have stated that the reflux is deadened by eating regularly. Most especially the early morning food . It could be curbed by not skipping meals. Above all , you would be totally free from acidic reflux if you refrain from eating acidic food like beans etc.


VIP Contributor
You have mentioned some of them. Citrus is number one acidic fruit that is capable of causing acidic. The other fruit that always cause acid is the famous fruit called African apple in my country. This is capable of causing acid reflux especially when it is unripe. I do take Andrew liver salt most time.


VIP Contributor
Most times this can also depend on the body system of an individual but I think eating of too much fatty food can have the possibility of causing acids reflux. Acidic food can also be the cause of this but I don't really know much about acidic food being one of them. I've not done a research about milk causing acid reflux.