What are The Importance of Limited Use Of Antibiotics?.


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The use of all medicine should be limited. But this is especially true of antibiotics, for the following reasons:

(1) POISONING AND REACTIONS. Antibiotics not only kill bacteria, they can also harm the body , either by poisoning it or by causing allergic reactions. Many people die each year because they take antibiotics they do not need .

(2)UPSETTING THE NATURAL BALANCE: Not all bacteria in the body are harmful.
Some are necessary for the body to function normally. Antibiotics often kill the good bacteria along with the harmful ones. Babies who are given antibiotics sometimes develop fungus infections if the mouth it skin. This is because the antibiotics skill the bacteria that help keep fungus under control.

For similar reasons, person who take ampicillin and other broad - spectrum antibiotics for several days may develop diarrhea. Antibiotics may kill some kinds of bacteria necessary for dugestion, upsetting the natural balance or bacteria in the gut.

(3) RESISTANCE TO TREATMENT: In the long run, the most important reason the use of antibiotics should be limited, is that when antibiotics are used too much, they become less effective.

When attacked many times BT the same antibiotics, bacteria become stronger and are no longer killed by it. The become resistant to the antibiotic . For thus reason, certain dangerous diseases like typhoid are becoming more difficult to treat than they were a few year ago.

In some places, typhoid has became resistant yo chloramphenicol, normally the best medicine for treating it. Chlotamphenicol has been used far too much for minor infections, infections for which other antibiotics would be safer and work as well, or for which no antibiotic at all needed.

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