What are the position effects internet has on children


The internet has a positive effect on children and it has helped children in so many ways for example
Children are able to handle difficult assignments through the help of the internet.

Teaching and be made easier for example during the pandemic schools, institutions and universities were all closed but through the accessibility to the internet it has enabled children to be educated via educational sites, video conferencing and so on. And this method has proved to be more easier and faster. Because you can stay at the comfort of your home and still be educated.

Today more and more young professionals in computer manipulation keep increasing such as graphic designing, web designing and so on this is as a result of the positive impacts the internet has on kids or children today.


Everything has its positive and as well negative side, when it comes to the aspect of the internet, there have been so many negative things associated with it, but the internet has also done a lot of good. The internet has given easy access to learning materials, one can easily download text books online or watch educational videos. The internet has also helped a lot of young ones in terms of making money. A perfect example are forums like this.