General insurance What benefit you can have when the contents of the home are insured


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This type of insurance is usually availed of by warehouses and other businesses that have their stocks in their store. For homes only the wealthy get this type of insurance. When there is a fire the damage is covered by the fire insurance that can also include the coverage for the contents.

However, the contents of the home are listed and valued on the time that the premium is paid. For a claim on the losses it is a complex procedure because the Insurance Adjuster would be asking for so many documents for proof of the loss. A friend in the insurance business said that more often the items would not be paid in full because of the lack of solid proof. Think if jewelry is insured or a valuable painting then how can the claimant present solid proof that those items were gobbled by fire?
I think home insurance also provides coverage for all the valuables you have in your home, including the jewelry in your locker or the expensive items in your home. Instead of insuring the individual item, why not buy an insurance policy that provides the coverage for your entire home. Buying too many policies will increase your liability.
You should have a lot of benefit insuring the contents of your home.You are going to pay for what you insured but you are going to gain more from rhe insurance company for having many contents is a very good plan for everyone to invest makes one to think of the future and also have à very good plan.
I think home insurance is most important or needed if you happen to find yourself in an unsecured destination because of theft or any other bad scenario that could happen and it also help in terms of disaster which could cause loss of property for example, fire outbreak, tsunami and so on
It depends on the insurance policy you signed for , if the person signed up for fire insurance the contents would be replaced , they have professionals and technologies to check and proof if it was really caught by fire or not , so it depends I think on the insurance policy
Personally, I believe that insuring content of the house is a wastage compare to insuring the house itself. What is the benefit of insuring what is in the house when the house is not insured. It only makes sense if the house itself is insured. If the house is not safe, the content won't be safe.
If you are buying a home insurnce, you will have to see what kind of things are being covered in your insurance policy. In some policies just your home is covered (against fire, earthquakes etc.), in some policies, everything including the furniture, paintings, and artifacts are covered. You need to check the policy document.
Since you are talking about benefits first of all you will get the coverage which is actually the main purpose of insurance. It will actually give you rest of mind in such cases about the contents of your home. Insuring the home itself is much more important and will give you more rest of mind.