What Is Headless CMS


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Headless CMS is a content management system that are used to save documents, blogs or videos wordpress is the biggest content management system out there, but it has a lot of limitations and because of this a lot of people are moving away from it and embracing new content management systems like netlify or sanity.io, this article is going to discuss the new CMS technologies that are going to replace wordpress as we all know.

Headless CMS is like having the functionality of WordPress but without the front end, so you used the back end of other CMS and use other new technologies that are scale to build out the front end.

Example of headless CMS is sanity, it gives you all of the functionality of WordPress but with your customizable front end, so that means you can use new technologies like react or next or Gatsby to build out front end.

To get started with CMS headless, you can go ahead and read the documentation on their respectable websites, but in a nutshell, they provide you with a Rest API end points you can connect to and customize your front end without having to rely on the management system technology.
Headless CMS is a type of Content Management System (CMS) that doesn't require the installation of an operating system on the server. It has no graphical user interface, so it can be used on any type of server and doesn't require any additional software to run.

A headless CMS is great for organizations with limited IT resources but still want a full-featured Internet presence, and it's even better for people who don't have a lot of experience with computers or don't have time to learn how to use them.

Headless CMS allows you to create websites and other digital assets without having to worry about installing software on your own servers. This makes it ideal for small businesses that don't have enough money or time to hire an IT professional or set up their own servers.

Headless CMS is a technology that allows you to create and deploy websites without having to think about the backend. This means that you don't have to worry about setting up servers, databases, or any of that stuff — everything is done for you.

Headless CMS comes in a variety of flavors, from lean and minimalistic to robust and feature-rich. Some of these include:
Drupal and WordPress
Joomla! and WordPress